Sneak Peeks!

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So guys, as promised, here are the sneak-peeks of some of my other works. This first one is A Dream Comes True (its another fanfiction), my first EVER book on wattpad. It is completed, so check out the first chapter below and go to my profile to read the whole thing if you feel like it!



It was a chilly morning and I was lying on my bed, like I usually did. I was awake, but wasn't moving a muscle. I heard my mother shout, "Jenny! Wake up or you will miss the bus again!" I got up, somehow. I freshened up and put up a nice Spiderman shirt and my denim jeans. Then I went straight to my mom.

"At least eat something? Do you wanna faint?!"

As she forced me to, I tried to stuff a pancake at once, in my mouth.

"I don't even see the point of going to school today!" I said, "All the teachers are away for their field trip and Charlie has his football match. I will be all alone, with no work for the whole day..."

"But Jenny, your attendance is already very low. You should not take more leaves."

"Alright, alright."

I left for the bus stop.

I waited for about five minutes, before my bus came. Then I sat on my usual seat. I took my phone and started reading articles on Pottermore. As I was reading an article on Ilvermorny, I heard a voice say, "Jenifer! How are ya?" I turned around to find Ashley and her group of side-kicks. Most of the 'popular' kids of my grade would hang around with her, all except Charlie. Charlie would stay with me because he knows that those people are bad company. Plus, we knew each other since we were like, eight.

"Fine." I replied.

"Of course!" She said, "Why don't you have a look on this sketch Nina made, huh?"

She took a paper out. It was a sketch in which I was on the ground and Ashley and her 'friends' were laughing at me.

"Very funny." I said. I don't know why, Ashley has always been mean to me. She doesn't care that I basically 'burn' her everytime. Soon, we reached the school. I got off the bus and caught a sight of the football team boarding another bus. I saw Charlie having a word with his coach, Mr. Hetch. He didn't see me. I reached my class. Soon, the first period started. Mrs. Samuels, our home ec. substitute teacher, started giving us notes.(That's the only subject we were going to study today!) I wrote the date: 10/11/20. Tomorrow is my birthday and I would turn 15.

After our 1st period ended, Mr. Peggy entered and announced, "Now you guys do whatever you want to, except using your phones and yelling."

I started doodling cartoons and deathly hallow sign(from Harry Potter) in my sketch book. I was obsessed with Harry Potter and MCU, and so was Charlie.

"Miss Black. Please come here." Mr. Peggy said. I went towards him.

"I hope you would not mind giving this register to Mrs. Samuels in the staffroom?" He said.

"Of course not, sir."

"Very well then."He gave me the register and pointed towards the door.

In the staffroom, Mrs. Samuels was talking to a fellow teacher. I heard her say, "As far as I've got the update, our team is winning, thanks to our captain, Charlie McLaggen."
I smiled and went towards her.

"Mr. Peggy has given this for you, ma'am."

"Oh, thank you, dear.'' she said.


Next up: Mulgarath!

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