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Yes, again. Sorry (innocent smile). The fanart is sooo amazing, credit to the owner!


There was a knock on Gabriel's office's door.

"Come in." He said.

Nathalie entered and said, "Sir, one of Adrien's classmate is here to-" But Gabriel raised his hand in objection.

"You know I don't want Adrien's classmates in our house, what made you come here? Send them back!" He ordered.

"No sir, actually she is here to meet you."

"Me? Who is it?"

"Lila Rossie."

Lila? What could she be doing here?

Gabriel had special interest in Lila. She had been akumatized three times, out of which one was on purpose. That time, Hawk Moth had sent the akuma for someone else, but Lila had caught it and got akumatized on her own. He knew she was a pure liar.

"Send her in ." Gabriel said. Within a few minutes, Lila was in front of him.

"Hello Mr. Agreste! As you might know, I am Lila, Lila Rossie, one of Adrien's closest friends at school, and a big fan of yours!" Lila said.

"Hello Lila. How come you're here?"

"Oh I just wanted to tell you," before completing her sentence, she closed the door of Gabriel's office, "that how obvious it is that you are Hawk Moth."

Gabriel was stunned. How could she have known? Gabriel never left a clue.

"What?! What do you mean?"

"You are Hawk Moth, I know you are. And I have something you're looking for." She took out a necklace which had a fox pendent on it.

Gabriel knew that was a fake one, but he said, "What is this Lila?"

"I know you think this is fake, but this is the real one. I know who has the miraculouses. And I can tell you..."

"Lila. I have no idea what you are talking about." Gabriel was confused, was she lying, or was she telling the truth? 

Lila frowned, "I am so sure. But if you say that you are not Hawk Moth, then... But if you are, your secret is safe with me. I want to see Ladybug destroyed, I want her crushed. I would need your help. And this is the real miraculous, if you don't believe me, then take it and inspect it. I would never lie to you, Mr. Agreste, Adrien's friendship means everything to me and I will never do anything to put that in danger."

"Why do you think that I am Hawk Moth, Lila?"

"I suspected you from the day you told me to tell Chloè a fake call to summon Ladybug. Only one person could be so restless to see Ladybug meet Chloè, under those circumstances: Hawk Moth. Also, Mr. Agreste, you never show any interest in Adrien's classmates, but you did in me because my manipulating skills are really beneficial for the evil..." Lila simply said.

Gabriel was impressed. He didn't really know why, but he wanted wanted Lila as an alli. Lila had been missing along with Ladybug and Marinette and Ladybug, but Gabriel knew she had lied. And if the miraculous Lila had presented him was real, then Hawk Moth was now close to victory.

"Very well Lila. You are right. Now give me that miraculous and I will destroy Ladybug. Tell me who has the miraculouses."

Lila smiled, "I can be a lot of help to you. But I am really disappointed. You honestly thought that I was telling the truth?" Then she laughed. "You don't know anything about being evil. This miraculous is fake, of course you kind of knew that. I am offering my help, together, we can destroy the superheroes. No offence, but you alone are no match for the superheroes."

Gabriel was angry, but he didn't show it. He knew Lila would be great help. She hated Ladybug and would do anything to end her.

"My planning and your power will help us overthrow the heroes and you can have their miraculous. I don't even want the miraculous, I just want their doom."

Gabriel was convinced, Lila would be pretty useful.

"Your manipulative skills could come in handy... Plus, I will need a lot of help from you... Volpina."

Lila smirked, "Thank you Mr. Agreste. I won't let you down,you won't regret trusting me."


Oof this was a big one. I really need to shorten the chapters, but i enjoyed writing it. Did you enjoy reading? Tell me in the comments! I will be uploading another chapter soon, stay tuned.

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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