Sneak Peeks!

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This is my most awaited book (awaited by me lol) CRAZY WORLD! This is basically a story of three teenagers and their love life and stuff. You'll get the idea when you read it. This story also has an prologue which is extremely cute and funny, but I am not putting it here. This is my first time writing a teen drama/romance genre so I hope you guys will read it and tell me how it is and how I can improve. The chapters will be longer and more detailed so here we go!


I start a normal day


I woke up to the sound of someone yelling.

"...up already! Look at the clock- you're gonna be late again!"

Who the f- oh wait that's my mother. The voice in my head realized. Somehow I sat up and looked around, trying to remember my name. Then I looked at the time. Its time for school!

I stood and walked towards the mirror to have a look at myself. My long, black hair was a mess. I had caramel skin and big, dark eyes. My height was a bit taller than any average high school student, but I wasn't the tallest in my class. In fact, I wasn't in the top 10 tallest group.

I yawned and started to get ready. My older sister was still snorting on the bed. She was in collage, third year, so she didn't go to there much. My mother was still scolding me for not waking up on time.

You see, when you are a lazy sleeper like me, its never 'wake-y wake-y rise and shine'. Its more like, 'get the hell outta bed and start moving' kinda thing.

Anyway, I rushed everything and in about 20 minutes I was ready, waiting for my van. Taking a van was basically like carpooling. When it came, I sat in.

Sleep. The voice in my head chanted.

No. I can't!

But you know you want to.

Does that make a difference?

Good point... Go to sleep.

I groaned, the voice in my head can be a 'little' annoying at times. But it never lied. I was very sleepy and my eyelids were drooping, and I knew I will be sleepy until I get back from school. Then, when I will have time to sleep, I would watch T.V.

The mood inside the van was dull. Looked like everyone wanted to kill themselves or sleep. Some students were studying. The younger ones in the van were talking silently to each other about their teachers, as usual. I looked at my friend sitting behind me, she was almost asleep. We all knew that nobody wants to talk because it was early in the morning. But you should have seen the same people while returning in the same van. It was quite a havoc.

I glanced outside and wondered, how today's day would be. Will I get in a fight? Will I be praised? Will I get scolded?

My school was Berkeley Carroll. I lived in Brooklyn and I love my city. It is a part of who I am today. People know the Central Park, I think the Prospect Park is better. The Brooklyn Bridge, standing wide and tall, I just love it. As happy as I am in Brooklyn, no one likes school, pal.

The landscape outside was beautiful. There were big buildings, houses with lawns, lush-green well maintained plants, developed roads.

Looking at the houses, my heart welled-up in my throat. and I felt a nervous tingling. I remembered that I had to do this independent thing in a few days. I know I was only 16, to be fair, almost 17, but I was moving out. My sister had done the same and was staying at our parents' house because she was here to help me move. We had selected an apartment and due time, as I hoped, one of My best friends, Ariana, will move in with me. It was a big apartment and could fit two people, in fact maybe more than that. My parents will be paying the rent until I and Ariana find a stable part time job at a cafe or something. It was kind of exciting and scary at the same time.

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