[ high quality ]

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The Grinch and Donald go to a café together the next morning. It's supposed to be one of the best ones in the area, so naturally they had to go as soon as possible. A high class café before going to the high class furniture store (IKEA, if you've forgotten) was a lovely beginning to their new life in Florida.

They find a booth table in the back corner of the restaurant. The waiter comes to take their order.

"I'll have a lemonade, please," the Grinch says politely.

"I will have a Monster Energy Drink," Trump says.

"This early, sir? It's not even 10."

"Yes, of course. That's the only way I can get up in the morning, idiot."

And the waiter hurried off, wanting to spend the least amount of time near Trump as possible.

Besides this, breakfast was surprisingly normal. They finished eating, tipped the waiter an ridiculously low amount, and made their way to IKEA.

The furniture there was high-quality and expensive, but thankfully Trump was rich and could afford to buy whatever he wanted. They made sure to get everything they needed before leaving.

Trump hired someone else to assemble their furniture, as he was too rich and lazy to do it himself. The Grinch marveled at how easily Trump could just waste money like this. It wouldn't be much trouble to figure it out themselves. He had never had such a large amount of money to just throw around before. Living with a rich man was certainly a very new experience for him.

As they had nothing left to do for that day, they decided to treat themselves to dinner at McDonalds. Once again, only the top tier restaurants were suitable for the power couple—er, duo. Roommates. Friends. Not a couple, no, certainly not. My bad. Narrator's mistake.

Ahem, moving along.

While the Grinch went up to order their food, Trump went to go find them a place to sit. He chose a booth in the corner, with hardly anyone around. He spent his time being a twat on Twitter, waiting for the Grinch to return with food, when someone addressed him.


Trump looked up. A tall man with pale skin and sparkling blue eyes stood in front of him, smiling politely.

"Hey sexy," Trump greeted him, before asking, "What do you want?"

"Oh, I just wanted to say hi. You seem much more attractive up close. Not that you weren't attractive before! It's just... your bright complexion is quite admirable, and I find your face attractive," the man said in a romantic manner.

"Ah. Thanks," Trump said awkwardly. This exchange was not going very well, but it was the only true romantic encounter that Trump had ever had. He didn't know what to say or what to do. Besides, the Grinch could return any second now! What would he think?

Trump blushed at the thought of the Grinch. He stared off into space for a moment in a daydream, before realizing that the man had been speaking the whole time and that he hadn't heard a word he was saying to him.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" Trump asked politely.

"Yes, of course. I was just saying that it would be nice to get to know you sometime. Can I get your number?"

"Sure, it's—" Trump gave the man his number, which the author was too lazy to come up with because there would be disclaimers not to call it, and they didn't want to deal with that as they were writing this at 1am and they had a test the following morning in one of their least favorite subjects, which they were dreading, because they certainly weren't getting enough sleep in preparation for. But it's not really their fault because they had homework until midnight and then they got the sudden inspiration to write this, which they hadn't gotten for months, and going to sleep and ignoring this sudden burst of motivation would be wasteful.


Trump went to add the man's contact when he realized that he didn't even know his name.

"Uh, what's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, it's Jackson. Andrew Jackson."

"Nice to meet you, Jackson. My name is Donald Trump, and you shall address me as Mr. Trump and nothing more casual than that or else I will deport you."

Jackson laughed at that. "Ok then, Mr. Trump. Goodbye for now."


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