[ the plan ]

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A/N- First of all I finally got the header to work!! Yay!! Second of all, when I'm writing this story, the first chapter hasn't even been up for 24 hours and it has 10 reads. That's not a lot but that means that 10 people want to read Trump X Grinch fanfiction. I guess I'm not really in a place to criticize your interests since I'm the one writing this, but still. Ten of you willingly spent your limited time on Earth reading this. Why?? Do you enjoy suffering????

Trump stared into the Grinch's ruby orbs. There seemed to be a sense warmth from them, like there was comfort in his gaze.

"What are you staring at?" the Grinch asked. Trump blinked a few times, clearing his mind.

"O-oh, I'm sorry." He cleared his throat. No, he wasn't sorry. Presidents should never have to be sorry, especially someone as magnificent as himself. "What time should I arrive here tomorrow?"

"Make it here by five. That will give us a little bit of additional planning time, and then we can proceed with our scheme."

Trumps nodded. This was a good idea. "Five sounds lovely."

He turned and made his way back to Washington D.C.


It wasn't until later that night that Trump finally got free time. He sat in his office, writing in his diary.

Dear Diary,

He crossed this out. Too cliché. After a few minutes of attempted thinking, he decided it was better to have no opening.

I met an interesting man today. His name is the Grinch—my idea, of course. He has the most gorgeous green complexion, and his red eyes are truly enchanting. He even has a dog! I will be meeting up with him tomorrow evening, if I can sneak away.

I already miss him. No homo.

He closed the diary and stashed it in the back of one of his drawers. His phone rang, and he was surprised to see it wasn't a work call. An unknown number was contacting him.

What could go wrong?

Trump picked up the phone and was shocked to hear the familiar deep voice on the other side.

"Trump? Is that you?"

"Grinch!" He gasped, feeling himself blush. "H-how did you get my number?"

"It's a secret. Your phones are bugged, correct?"

"Yes. Why did you call?"

"I wanted to adjust our, ah, meeting time. I think it should be exactly five hours earlier than the previous time. Is that alright with you?"

Trump felt his heart race. This is practically a date! "Of course!"

"Excellent. I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yes. See you then!"

Edit: About a month later, I have discovered that only 33% of readers will continue to the second chapter of this story after reading the first. So, if you're reading this, congratulations. You are one of the brave ones.

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