[ flirtation ]

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The next day was Christmas Eve. Trump awakens to a light snowfall outside his window. This does not surprise him in the slightest—it is winter, after all—but it does lift his mood. The peacefulness of a white winter is always something to be happy about.

Of course, Trump then remembered his plans, and was slightly displeased at the idea of trudging through the snow to get to the Grinch's house this afternoon.

He wished he could go now, though. He wanted to spend as much time with the Grinch possible. But he still had work to do. If he didn't get ahead of it, then he wouldn't be able to afford taking the rest of the day off.

Despite working as hard and effectively as possible, Trump couldn't get his mind off of his green crush. He neglected eating breakfast, figuring that the extra work time was far more worth it. Besides, he can always have a feast later on.

At last, it was 11:30—his departure time. He made sure to call one of the staff to alert them of his absence from lunch. The previous night, he had come up with an excuse for this, but he couldn't recall what it was. Thankfully, the staff member accepted this message without further questions.

Trump bundled up in a heavy coat, which was the color of mustard to match his most-likely-artificial hair. Speaking of his hair, he made sure to comb it thoroughly so that he was as attractive as he could make himself. He had fallen for the Grinch, but those emotions meant nothing if the Grinch didn't fall for him as well. Today was the day to make this happen.

Trump was a business man, but that was all he knew how to do. He knew nothing about love. He didn't know anything about making someone fall for you. He was leaping blindly, somehow unable to look for the sake of this metaphor, into some unknown field, hoping desperately that the Grinch would be on the other side. But he had no way of knowing until he tried.

The walk to the Grinch's house was one that Trump remembered well enough, so it didn't take too long to arrive. The Grinch was not outside, so Trump knocked on the door relentlessly until it opened.

The green man himself stood there, an annoyed expression on his gorgeous face.

"You only have to knock once." He practically spat the words at Trump.

"I-I'm sorry—"

"Don't apologize."

Trump's heart fluttered at this sudden command, at the dominance that the man was showing. He was truly something else.

"Of course," Trump agreed hastily. "Pardon my error."

The Grinch sighed and stepped aside, unblocking his doorway.

"Please, come inside. We have much to discuss."

A/N- I wanted to get a chapter out today and I was too lazy to change much so a lot of this chapter is the same as it was in the original book. It's also cut much shorter because I'm short on time and I could only do so much. Also I don't have a halloween one-shot prepped for my kagehina book so I might need to get on that soon.

Oh and the title doesn't totally make sense for this part because the flirtation came from part of the story that I cut short. I'm too lazy to change it though (because I would need to change the header). Sorry.

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