[ moving ]

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A/N- Hey sorry it's been awhile, I've been a lil stressed and unmotivated. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

The pair has finished decorating, and they aren't quite sure what to do next.

"Hey, Grinch? Have you ever considered moving into a larger home?" Trump asks his kind-of-boyfriend.

"I've wanted to, but houses are so expensive these days, and the costs just keep rising," the Grinch says with a sigh.

"Again, I could literally buy you a whole village. Don't worry about the money."

"I'm not taking your money."

Trump thinks for a moment. "There's no way the people will re-elect me. I was too fantastic this term, and the American citizens are overwhelmed by my constant greatness."

"What does this have to do with anything?" the Grinch asks.

"Well, if I'm not re-elected, I'll be moving out of the White House. And I'm inviting you to move in with me to a grand estate, somewhere nice. Perhaps Florida. What do you say?"

The Grinch stares at the blonde for a moment. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Trump smiles at the greenette, who has a look of hope etched onto his face.

"In that case, I would love to," he says. "I'm not sure if I can afford it, though, and I feel guilty forcing you to pay for everything."

"Don't feel guilty," Trump tells him.

Someday, he thinks, someday we'll get married, and our money will be shared, and you won't have any financial worries.

But that day is not today, and Trump knows this. He tells the Grinch that, as a leader, he is fully willing to support the both of them. The Grinch thanks him sincerely.

"This couldn't be a better Christmas, Trump," he says.

Trump smirks. "Please, call me Donald."

"Alright, Donald," the Grinch says, a small smile on his face.


Many months later, Trump arrives at the Grinch's house. The greenette opened the door, and when he saw who was on the other side, he smiled brightly.

"Donald! Why are you visiting?" he asked.

"I have some excellent news for the both of us. Can I come in?"

"Yes, please do."

They sit on the sofa, and Trump shares his news.

"Grinch, I have found the most beautiful Floridian estate. You will absolutely love it. I've booked our flights and everything, the plane leaves tonight. The house is already sold to me, and it will be officially my property by this evening. Please, join me."

The Grinch stares at him for a moment. "Are you being truthful?"

"Of course. I would never lie to you. I love you, Grinch."

This sudden declaration surprises the Grinch, and he feels his heart race.

"I love you too," he says, "and I would be delighted to move into your Floridian estate with you."

"Then it's settled. Let me help you pack."

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