[ partners in crime ]

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A/N- I got the anime pictures in the header from -SilverMoon13-, although the borders cut some of it off so I had to draw them in. Not that you would be able to tell, seeing as I worked so hard on it (/s). Also, two updates in one day? How fancy of me.

Taking down the decorations and towers around the area will be very difficult. Trump and the Grinch decide that the decorations will be much easier to do, but harder to get away with. Of course, that means that the opposite will be true for the towers.

"Both must happen after dusk. That's when the decorations go out. Also, less people will notice the towers down if it happens at night, because less people will need their provided services," says the Grinch wisely.

"But of course! I can get the decorations. I've committed so many past crimes and gotten away with them. Simply stealing decorations would be the least minor, so if I've gotten away with the others, I should be alright with thievery," Trump volunteers.

"No, it's better not to risk your reputation," the Grinch argues, then pauses. "Actually, never mind."

"So you'll be okay with the towers?"

"I don't think it's a good idea to divide and conquer. I don't want to be left alone like this."

Trump takes a minute to think, then says, "We can both go together. That might take up too much time, though, and I don't want to be out too late. Someone might come looking for me."

The Grinch smiles. "I think we'll be okay. Just stay by my side, we can get through this together."

By the time the sun is setting, the duo has their plan in place. They will first tear down the decorations, then take down the nearby towers (Trump can easily arrange an 'accident'), and finally, escape. The whole thing should only take a few hours, according to the Grinch, due to the very small size of the town.

They take off, creeping through the shadows on the streets. The lights are off in every window. Perfect.

The outside decorations are most vulnerable, so that is the first thing they take care of. They then take a second lap around, this time breaking in and taking all the ornaments and other décor they could find. A few hours later, Trump calls a few friends of his to destroy the towers.

"This destruction won't be noticed until morning," the Grinch had promised him hours earlier. Trump puts his full trust in the green man.

When his phone loses service, he knows that the plan has been successful.

"Well done, partner in crime," the Grinch says as they return to his house, a smirk spreading across his lips. The temperatures have dropped below freezing, so they start a fire in the fireplace and sit by the hearth.

"Thank you, Grinch. I couldn't have done it without you."

Trump knows he should probably head home, but he didn't bring enough layers to keep warm out there. The Grinch seems to have reached the same conclusion, because he says, "If you need to, you can stay the night."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to go out there."

Trump smiles at him gratefully, and the two fall asleep beside each other in front of the crackling fire.

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