Sorry, Again

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Ok, so I know I said in my last post that I wouldn't be posting updates like this here anymore, but I'm getting messages from people asking if that also meant I was no longer posting new chapters of Dangerous Games here anymore. So, AGAIN, let me clarify, new chapters of Dangerous Games will still be posted here on Wattpad. What won't be posted here are updates, previews, and bonus content, those will only be posted on my Patreon. 

So for the final time, this is the last news update on wattpad. To stay up to date on announcements and chapter updates follow my Patreon, by either copy pasting the link below or going to my profile page and clicking the link.


I finally heard back from one of the artist I emailed, and he has agreed to take on my first commission of Keira from Only Human. The artist is MAOxFhan , and you can see his work on 

Now, before you get too excited, I've only commissioned a headshot sketch for now. I'm still looking at other artist and I need to conserve the money I have, for now.

Next up, later today I will be posting the Keira side chapter from Only Human on Patreon. For those of you unaware, back when I was still updating Only Human, I wrote a small side chapter that takes place between chapters 18 & 19 and its from Keira's point of view. That side chapter will now be available to read for all Patrons in the $3 tier and above.

With that I would also like to announce that I am currently working on more small side chapters like this, that take place before, during, and after Only Human. Again, these are just small little side chapters, from different and returning characters point of view. This will only be available to Patrons and the $3 tier or higher. Hopefully I'll have more to tell you soon.

Also, later this week I'll be posting another alternate scene from Dangerous Games, if your wondering where these scenes coming from, let me explain. While writing certain scenes, I sometimes write them on a separate document if I'm feeling conflicted on how its progressing. Sometimes I stick with what I wrote and sometimes I go in another direction, but I still hold on to what I wrote down in the second document. That's where these alternate scenes come from, hopefully you enjoy them.

Lastly, chapter 8 of Dangerous Games is coming along nicely and I'll hopefully have a preview ready by the end of this week or the beginning of next. Again this preview is only for patron in the $3 tier or higher.

That's it for now, so as always, Thank You For Reading!!!!!!!!!

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