Chapter Six

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                      After safely making it back home my father took us to his study where he and mom wasted no time laying into me. My mother never curses so when she does it hurts to hear, for a good thirty minutes she alternated between cursing me for my stupidity and hugging me; glad that I was okay. After mom finished dad took his turn reprimanding me which consisted of the same thing but without the hugging. When I asked how they knew where I was, they told me it was Lucas who figured it out. Turns out the wolf I didn't recognize next to Lucas earlier was Daniella. Apparently, they're mates and recognized each other the moment Lucas walked into the restaurant. Not wanting to waste any time telling everyone the good news he hurried home with Daniella in wolf form. After a while he realized I still hadn't come home and tried calling me. When I didn't answer he called Alice and Cora, but they told him they hadn't heard from me either. That's when he remembered our argument about Cole's party and put two and two together, after telling mom and dad everything they left to come get me.

                 As happy as I was for Lucas and Daniella, and the pack coming to rescue me, I couldn't get what happened out of my mind. After everything was said and done I told dad I needed to speak to him privately. Seeing the serious look on my face he asked everyone to leave except for mom because he tells her everything anyway. After everyone else left the room I told him what happened and showed him the recording. I left out the parts about me and the female alpha in the bedroom. A look of utter shock was on my father's face by the time he finished watching the recording.

"Who is she?" I asked.

With a grim look on his face he passes the recording to mom and answers, "Alpha Keira of the Thorn-apple pack." He turns to me. "I don't know much about her, from what I've been told she's about your age and she's only been alpha for a little over a year."

Keira, just hearing her name sends a shiver down my spine. I see my mother put a hand over her mouth as she watches the video.

"This is not good." My father states as he moves to sit behind his large wooden desk. "Demetri is not going to let this go. If he's still alive come Saturday, he'll probably lie about what happened tonight and petition the council for help against the Thorn-apple pack during the community meeting."

"Will he get it?" I ask nervously, not sure why I was getting worried for her sake.

"Hard to say." My father responds.

Mom, finally done with the video explains to me. "The female gave Cole plenty of chances to back off, but he didn't he continued to attack and insult her. No alpha can blame her for her actions, if we present this video as evidence it could justify her actions and his death." My mother paused for a moment before continuing. "But that in itself could be a problem, they're going to question where the video came from and why you where there in the first place."

"I'll just tell them the truth, Cole invited me. I even have witnesses Alice, Cora, even one of Cole's flunkies was there; they all heard him invite me."

My father slowly shook his head, "Everyone knows Alice and Cora are heavily connected to our pack and I wouldn't be surprised if Demetri somehow got the poor boy to lie for him. Hell, I wouldn't put it pass the slime ball to accuse us of having orchestrated the whole thing."

I realized my father was right if not handled properly this could end up a total shit storm for both our packs. 

A look of realization crosses my mother's face. "If the fear is them thinking we colluded with the Thorn-apple pack, let's do just that." I look at my mother confused. "Think about it Mattias, if we want to prove her case we need her on our side."

I was still confused, but my father seemed to understand. "Your right, your absolutely right, Goddess I love you." He pulls mom into his lap and kisses her.

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