Chapter Four

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The next morning, I decided to sleep in a bit, I was still a little sore from running around with the girls. When I finally did come down for breakfast everyone was already up eating and chatting at the table. I was happy to see the girls were still here, after making up yesterday they wanted some alone time, so I didn't see them for the rest of the night. When I sat down at my usual seat between to mom and Lucas I noticed Shawn and Linda seemed to be in a particularly good mood, probably because they got to make breakfast instead of me.

"Morning, how did things go last night?"

The table went quite making me look up from the food I was serving myself, well that's not good. Lucas was the first to answer.

"We ran into a bit of trouble near the end of the night."

"What?! How bad?" I couldn't keep the panic from my voice.

This time mom answered, "Calm down, we're all fine just a few scrapes here and there."

"Bullshit, you guys wouldn't be this reluctant to tell me if it wasn't serious."

My father smacked his hand on the table causing the whole thing to shake. "Caden! Watch your language when talking to your mother!"

"Sorry." Was all I could say in a small voice.

My father just looked at me for a moment before letting out a sigh. "We ran into a few rogues last night and they were different, stronger than usual, but the troubling thing was that we were being watched. They were too far away for us to get a good look and by the time we reached them they were long gone, but they were definitely wolves."

"Could it have been one of the newer packs that recently moved here?" Alice asked.

Charles answered her, "It's possible but unlikely the new packs have been told to restrict their movements to their host's land until the community meeting this Saturday."

A community meeting is when all the wolves in Crestwood get together and go over everything and anything, like an open court.

Cora asked before I could, "Host's land?"

Claire spoke up this time, "The new packs are currently guests in another packs land until the meeting."

My father puts his aura behind his words, "What I'm about to say does not leave this table." Nobody responds and just nods. "Rumor has it that the White Moon pack uses rogues like this to weaken and test packs."

Everyone is stunned by this revelation no one says anything.

Mom finally breaks the silence, "Alright, that's enough depressing talk. Caden, I forgot to tell you I met the most wonderful girl yesterday. She's from the Blackwood pack one of the new packs here and she's perfect for you."

I groan, "I thought you said no more depressing talk."

I get a few snickers for that one and Noel who was in the middle of drinking orange juice chokes a bit, but my mother remains unfazed.

"Wolf or human?" I ask.

"Wolf obviously." She responds.

"And did you tell her I'm human?"

"Well, no but-"

"Mooom." My tone was that of a parent scolding their child.

"Will you relax, she's the one I can feel it! You're going to meet her at Geno's at 7."

My mother has this crazy idea that I have a mate out there somewhere, so she sets me up on these blind dates with werewolves hoping to find her. But all I end up finding are disappointed and sometimes angry women. I look at Lucas and when he sees the look I'm giving him he simply nods knowing what I want to do. Before my mother can keep going I decide now is as good a time as any.

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