Chapter Twelve

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After eating I went and got the girls and had them drive me home. As we pulled up to the house I remembered about Pete.

"Hey, do me a favor and check on Pete for me, there was something off about that Gabriella girl he was with last night."

"What do you mean?" Asked Alice.

"I don't know, the way she moved didn't seem human, but it wasn't wolf either. I don't know, can you please check?" I asked again.

"Sure, we'll swing by his place later." Alice reassured me.

"Thanks, well wish me luck." I said as I got out of the car.

The girls drive off as I make my way to the door, opening it I find my mother sitting on the staircase waiting for me. Seeing her I immediately notice the annoyed look on her face, letting out a deep sigh I go up and take a seat next to her. Neither of us say anything for a moment and then I feel a sharp pain shoot down my arm.

"OW!" I exclaim.

My mother had pinched me quite hard.

"What was that for?" I asked while rubbing my arm.

"Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you." She answered.

"Sorry, it just sort of happened." I answered with a deep sigh.

"Well, I really can't blame you, I mean apparently she's your mate. Honestly, nothing is going how I hoped it would." Her annoyed tone amused me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I was hoping for you to find a nice normal wolf girl, not freaking a alpha." She answered.

"What's the difference?"

My mother gives me a sideways glance, "Are you really going to tell me that you aren't here to pack your things to leave and move in with her?"

"Oh." Was all I could say.

If Keira had been a regular wolf, she would've more than likely been the one to join our pack, instead of me joining hers. That's when the gravity of the situation really hit me.

Holy shit, I'm moving out and practically married all at once!

The ridiculousness of the entire situation made me chuckle.

"Wow, either she really is your mate or you two had a REALLY good time last night, or was it both?" She asked with a questioning smile.

I just stared straight ahead not taking her bait, but I could feel the embarrassed flush on my face, this was one conversation I did not want to have with my mother.

Unfazed by my unwillingness to answer my mother just continued to stare at me, I could practically hear the gears in her head turning.

"Well, at least you're in a better mood than last time. After your first time with Claire you seemed more guilty then happy." My mother stated.

My eyes widen in shock and I slowly turn my head to look at her.

"Oh, come on, you really thought we wouldn't know?" She asked.

"Dammit Claire." I said exasperated.

"Oh please, Claire never said a word. She didn't have to." My mother said coming to Claire defense.

"Then how?" I asked

"Honey, we're werewolves, we could smell it the moment it happened." She answered.

I slap myself in the forehead, like an idiot I completely forgot about a werewolves' keen sense of smell. Here I am trying to keep my night with Claire a secret and everyone already knew the moment it happened.

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