Chapter Two

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After breakfast, while Lucas and Noel got ready, I made sure to have everything I needed for school in my bag, I give mom a peck on the cheek and say my goodbyes to everyone else. By the time Lucas and Noel come down I'm already in the car waiting. The three of us head out to school together in Lucas's car, a Shelby Mustang GT500, all three of us are in our final year of high school. We go to school in Crestwood, a large town close to where a lot of packs live. It was agreed upon by the counsel that Crestwood is neutral territory. No pack can claim it as their own or cause trouble for the humans in it, which would just draw unneeded attention. Because of this Crestwood has become the unofficial capital for all the werewolves in the region, with many pack and packless wolves working and going to school here. Packless wolves are wolves who don't belong to any pack. Some like it this way and just come to find work while others come with the hope of finding a pack that will take them. Packs from across the country come here, even sending their kids here to build connections with other packs.

Lucas is driving and Noel is in the passenger seat while I'm in the back. I notice through the rear view mirror Lucas has a blank stare on his face, which is a telltale sign that he is talking to someone through the mental link. A mental link is something werewolves in a pack together share, it's a form of telepathy. It's perfect for when the alpha needs to give out orders or for coordinating with each other during a fight. Usually when a werewolf becomes of age and are officially accepted by the alpha and extension the pack, a mental link is established. The only exemption being the bond between mates. Mates once found can immediately communicate with each other. But just like everything else I can't get a mental link; human minds aren't built for it.

I wait for Lucas's eyes to regain their focus before asking. "So, what was that about?" But its Noel who answers me. "It was just your mom reminding us to keep you safe." Something tells me there's more to it than that, but I don't push it any further.

School is rough for me, there are some werewolves not happy with a human like me being part of a pack and their attitudes are picked up by their kids, especially high school kids. I do have werewolf friends outside of my own pack, but there are some that try to take advantage of the fact that I'm human. They never straight up attack me, because human or not I'm still the son of an alpha and a direct attack like that could start a war between packs. So, they stick to the basics like tripping me, bumping into me, smacking my books out of my hands, and other non-direct forms of attack. Lucas and Noel do their best help but that can't be with me all the time, and I'll be damned before I let them win by going to my father for help. Thankfully this year hasn't been too bad thanks to Alice and Cora having classes close to mine.

I'm roused out of my thoughts by the car pulling into the school parking lot, we managed to get a spot no too far from the school. I let out a sigh as I wait for Noel to let me out hoping today goes by quick.

Ring, ring, ring

"Ooh thank the goddess, lunch time, I don't think I could've taken another minute of math." Cora says this loud enough for everyone in the room to hear but doesn't seem to care. With her pale skin and dirty blonde hair, Cora's beauty is always drawing people's attention anyway.

"No, you're just a glutton who can't go five minutes without eating." Alice teases, she sits behind Cora. Not one to be out done, Alice also has quite a few admirers, drawn in by her olive skin, long jet-black hair, and facial features that make her appear exotic.

I decide to chip in. "Oh, please your just as bad. I saw you sneaking that honeybun during class." Cora gasps and Alice gives me a dirty look.

Cora turns to Alice. "You had a honeybun and didn't share with me? Your buying lunch for the three of us humph."

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