Chapter 6: What does she mean?

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Piper's POV:

Can someone please explain to me why everyday, it seems like something crawled up Miss Angela's butt and died?!

Today again, she's in a bad mood and she's taking it out on everyone, especially me.

Surprise, surprise. What did I even do to her?

Lily looked really sad and had dried tear stains on her face but she still acted bossy and rude just like always.

"Do your aerial, now." Miss Angela shouted. It took me a while to realise that she was talking to me but I shrugged and went to the centre of studio A and did the move.

I landed steadily on my feet and smiled at myself but Angela rolled her eyes and told me to do it again. Confused, I did the move again but she kept asking be to repeat it.

I redid the move about four more times before I finally got tired and stumbled; you know what happened next. It was insult after insult, even though I'm still trying to find out what I did wrong.

"But that's not fair, she did it perfectly until she got tired!" Richelle called out as Angela glared at her. "She's right, mum. It's natural that Piper got tired and stumbled." Lily said, surprising all of us as she stood up for me.

"Lily, shut up." Her mother hissed as she took a step back and continued to defend me. "Shut up, Lily! You never listen, you stupid child! This is why your father left us yesterday!" Angela screamed, storming off as we gaped at them in shock.

That was not expected. What did she mean by that? I'm sure it wasn't Lily's fault that her dad left.

Lily sobbed and fell to the floor as we all gingerly crowded around her, trying to console her. When we finally got her to calm down, Angela came and screamed at us to get out, that rehearsals were cancelled.

Lily burst into tears again as she didn't want to be alone, so we all decided to go over to Richelle's place for another A troupe hangout, this time, with Lily.


"Okay guys, what do you want to do?" Richelle asked as we all settled comfortably in her living room. "Truth or dare! It's TNS tradition!" Amy called out as we all nodded our heads, eagerly.

"Okay, then. You guys are still pretty new here, so Summer. Truth or dare?" Richelle said. "Truth, I don't want to do any dares!" She replied, laughing.

"Okay, do you have a crush on anyone here?" Richelle asked, as all us girls, even Lily, leaned forward to hear her answer. "Um... Maybe Henry, I don't know." She said as everyone went "oooh" and she and Henry blushed before smiling shyly at each other.

I turned to Amy to see if she shipped them but she had a distant look and a tense smile on her face, so I made a mental note to talk to her about it later.

"Okay, okay! What about you Finn! Who do you have a crush on?" Summer asked, even though Finn didn't even choose truth. Everyone leaned in again but I looked off somewhere praying that he wouldn't say my name.

"One, I didn't even choose truth but I don't mind, and two, it's obviously Pipes!" He said, happily as Amy playfully nudged me and everyone said "aww". It was so embarrassing and my face was so red due to all my blushing.

Excuse me while I just pass away.

"Okay, Piper, truth or dare?" Finn asked me, as I tapped my chin in thought. I usually always pick truth but this time, I think I'm going to choose dare.

"Dare." I said. "Wow, Pipes taking a ride on the wild side! Wow!" Finn said as I gave him a sarcastic smile and everyone laughed. "Just give me the dare, Finn." I said as I laughed.

"Okay, I dare you to do the cinnamon challenge." He replied as I stared at him. "Seriously? Out of all the dares in the world, you pick this one?" I asked as they all just laughed.

"Too late, you picked dare! I'll go get the cinnamon!" Richelle said as she dashed to the kitchen. "Say aaahh!" She said, when she came back as I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth.

She shoved the cinnamon in my mouth and I tried to swallow it but it just stuck to the inside of my mouth. Since it wouldn't go down, I ended up coughing it all back out as everyone screamed and laughed and backed away from me, to avoid getting cinnamon all over themselves.

After chugging a bottle of water, we all just collapsed on the floor and laughed. "Henry, truth or dare?" I asked Henry who immediately chose dare. I should've known; he and Richelle never pick anything but dare.

"Umm... I dare you to call your mum and order her to do all the chores in the house by the time you get home." I replied, slyly. I love his mum but she takes no nonsense from anyone, so I was curious to see how this would play out.

"And you've gotta put it on loud speaker." I added as he mock glared at me. "She's going to kill me!" He shouted as we all laughed and I shrugged. "You can back down if you want to. You know since you can't do the dare or whatever." I responded, nonchalantly, as he glared at me again.

"Ugh, fine! I don't back down from dares." He said, getting his phone out. "Hey mama! What's up, how you doing?" He started as we all gave him pointed looks, as he sighed.

"Mum, I want you to clean my room before I get home. Clean the kitchen, the dining room and the living room. Dinner better be on the table when I get home and it better be something good or else you're grounded!" He yelled down the phone. He was about to cut the call but I shook my head, wanting to see how his mum would respond, as Henry groaned.

"How dare you! I work for hours on end to come back home and cook for all you hopeless people and you have the nerve to start ordering me around?! And did you say grounded? I'll show you grounded when you get home! You-" His mum started as Henry shook his head and laughed before taking it off loud speaker and walking into the kitchen to calm his mum down.

"Luckily, I managed to escape a grounding." He said when he came back as we all laughed.

We continued to play truth or dare before we eventually went home. As I lay in bed, I couldn't stop wondering what Miss Angela meant when she said, "this is why your father left us".

Maybe I can talk to Lily tomorrow, I think she'd understand how it felt to be distant from your parents. With that, I fell fast asleep, not knowing what tomorrow would bring.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Comment what you think about this chapter! See you in the next one, bye guys!

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