Chapter 14: Please wake up

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James' POV:

"So what does this mean?" I asked quietly, as we all got over our initial shock.

"Well Sir, it means that Piper is on life support and that if Piper doesn't make any progress or if she doesn't wake up within the next few weeks to few months, then I'm afraid that we may have to pull the plug." She finished off as we all gaped at her in shock.

Pull the plug? On my baby sister? No way.

"You can't just do that!" Richelle said, a tear dripping from her eyelash. "I'm sorry, but you can come and see her, if you like." The doctor responded with a small, gentle smile, as we nodded and followed her into the medium sized, pristine room.

There she was, laying there, extremely pale, eyes sealed shut, with tubes and wires hanging all around her. I would've thought that she was dead if not for the steady, quiet beeping from the heart monitor beside her.

"Piper." Amy called out as she leaned into Jacquie, whose lip was quivering as she tried to hold in her tears for the sake of her friend, as Amy wailed and broke down into erratic sobs, the team trying to calm her down.

I sat down in a chair and held onto Piper's stiff hand, as I tearfully gazed at her face. She looked so lifeless, like she was tired and done with everyone and everything.

A boy, Finn, I think, walked up to Piper and held her other hand before holding it up to his face. "Please wake up, Pipes. Please. I can't imagine life without you. I need you here; to tell me when I'm wrong, when I'm being an idiot, when I'm late. How will I function without you? How will any one of us function without you? So please, please wake up. I love you too much to let you go." He said, kissing her hand, as tears ran down his face before he gently placed it back down.

As he went to sit on the floor, a girl walked up to her. Piper told me that a boy and three girls had joined A troupe, so this girl must be one of them. "Um, hi. I'm Lily." The girl said timidly, and it took me a moment to realise that she was talking to me. "Oh, sorry. I'm James, one of her older brothers." I mumbled, offering her a brief, small smile.

She nodded and smiled back as she went over to Piper, holding her hand. "Hey Piper. I got your voicemail and just so you know, I love you too. You're such a great friend; you believed in me when no one else did. Even when I betrayed you, you still forgave me. Thank you so much for that. Please wake up soon." She said sadly, before walking back to her seat next to Noah. 

After she sat down, Richelle slowly walked up to her. "Hey P. You were right in your voicemail, you know. At that time, I was coming up with a duet for me and Lily." She started off, smiling as her eyes glistened.

"I know I don't show most people my soft side but I'm glad that I showed it to you. I love you too, we all do, so please wake up soon; I can't go to Pizza Palace on my own now, can I?" She said, her voice breaking at the end, as she kissed Piper's hand and went back to her seat on the other side of Lily.

Once she sat down, Henry got up and stood next to her. "Hey Pipes. Do you remember when we were younger and we were desperate to go on our own bear hunt after reading that book, so we told James that we were going to the park when instead we were actually exploring the fields near it, and then we found that abandoned tree house, so we fixed it up and made it our secret hideaway, until like 4 months ago when we allowed the others from A troupe to visit it too?" He started as I interrupted him.

"Wait what? When were you guys gonna tell me about this?" I asked with a small smile, as he smiled back at me. "Well, I can't visit that tree house without you, so please wake up. We need you." He finished off with tears in his eyes.

After him, another girl, with long braids, walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Kenzie." She said softly, giving me a wave, as I gave her a small smile and waved back.

"Hey Piper. I know that we haven't known each other for a long time but I wuv you too! I can't believe you were still teasing me in your voicemail about the way I talk to my hamster!" She started off, smiling a bit.

"Please wake up soon, P. What would A troupe be like without you? You're the most sensible, organised person out of all of us; we won't be able to survive without you. Plus, I was looking forward to you and Summer coming to my upcoming cheerleading game. Please wake up." She finished off with a sad sigh and sat back down.

When she sat down, Amy got up and sadly made her way to her best friend. She looked like she could breakdown again at any moment; exactly what I felt like doing but I put on a brave face for my sister and everybody here. I had to be strong for her and for everyone else.

"Hey Pipes. I hope you can hear us and hear how much we all miss you. Please wake up, I can't live without my best friend. I need another slumber party! I need another Pamy date! Please don't leave me, you have to come back to us, please!" She started off, as tears dribbled down her face again.

"You can't leave me! Don't you remember? You're supposed to be my maid of honour, and I was yours; you were going to be the godmother of my kids and I was going to be the same for yours; we were all supposed to grow old together as best friends, so please don't leave us now! I know you'll wake up soon, that's why I'm not cancelling our next Pamy date, I'm only rescheduling. I love you, P." She exclaimed, trying to slow down her tears. With that, she gave her hand a squeeze and went back to her seat.

Everyone of them came up to Piper to say some words to her as I sat by, trying really hard to not let a single tear fall.

Everybody eventually had to leave and get some rest but they all promised to visit the next day.

As soon as Riley left to get some coffees, all the tears that I had been holding in, finally fell.

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