Chapter 12: The final push

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⚠️tw: suicide, death⚠️

Piper's POV:

After coming to terms with my plan, I wore some comfortable sweats and sat down again, in my spinning chair, as I went through what I was about to do.

I don't want to hurt anyone but I know that they won't really care. I'm just holding them all back and I can't be a burden any longer.

I think that James and Riley must've heard their voicemails because they've been non-stop spamming my phone with missed calls, missed facetimes and unread messages.

I also think that they may have talked to my dad and brothers about it because as I walked downstairs and headed for the front door, the three of them stood there with sad, guilty looks on their faces.

"Piper, please. We're sorry, I'm sorry- for everything. I don't know what voicemail thing James was talking about but please forgive me, forgive us. I-" My dad started as all of them begged for my forgiveness, but I cut him off with a scoff. "Too little, too late." I seethed before turning around and dashing out of the back door, as I locked it from the outside and began to run.

I took as many shortcuts as I could remember, trying to make sure that no one would find me. Finally, after 20 minutes of running, I came to a motorway. I sighed in relief at the sight of it as I realised that I was getting closer to my destination.

As I tried to cross the motorway, narrowly avoiding cars and their loud horns, which were messing with my senses, I came to the last lane that I had to cross, in order to get to the other side. A large truck was headed straight for me; it was swaying between the lines and it was speeding.

I was paralysed by fear but then I realised that maybe, this is how I go. So I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for impact but it never came.

Instead, I heard the screeching of wheels and a huge crash. I turned around to see that the truck had crashed onto the side if the motorway; luckily, this was the last lane and no one else got hurt. Minutes later, multiple ambulances and police cars arrived at the scene. I was checked over and a cop came to talk to me.

"Hello, are you alright?" He asked as I gave him a shaky nod. "Um is... is that person okay?" I asked, nervously. That guy swerved in order to not hit me, so if he's injured, it would be all my fault. "Afraid not. He died on scene." The officer said in a sad tone as I have a small nod. "So I killed him." I stated in a small voice. I guess I really am a murderer; they were all right.

"No, no sweetheart, you didn't kill anybody. He was going to crash sooner or later as he was drunk and highly intoxicated. It's just a miracle that he managed to swerve you, I don't know how he did that. But no, it's not your fault, and you harmed no one." He assured me. "What was his name?" I asked softly. "His name was Billy Archer." He replied, equally as soft, as I nodded again and waved goodbye, before going on my way again.

I can't believe that, that man, Billy, saved my life; a bit ironic, don't you think? But there's no saving me now. I've got to do this.


After about 10 more minutes, I finally reached my destination.

A bridge.

Taking deep breaths, I swung one leg over the railing and then the other, before balancing on a small ledge that stretched out, just a bit, until it overlooked the lake below.

You know, after spiders, heights are definitely on my list of fears, so I panicked as I stood on the tall ledge, but I calmed myself down by taking deep breaths and telling myself that this was the right thing to do.

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