Chapter 8: I love you, you love me

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Piper's POV:

"James! I missed you so much!" I cried out as I ran to my big brother and his girlfriend. How did I end up in the airport? Oh well, it didn't matter, my big brother was finally here; the one person who would never give up on me.

I ran to him in excitement but he stepped back. Confused, I stepped forward but he stepped back again.

"What's wrong, James?" I asked, as he looked away. "Listen, I can't be your big brother anymore. You killed my mum and no matter how hard I try, I can't forgive you for that. I'm sorry but I think it's best if we just go our separate ways, and forget about each other." He replied as tears pricked in my eyes. This cannot be happening to me!

"You don't mean that! Don't you remember?

I love you and you love me, we're a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you." I said desperately, quoting the words from the nursery rhyme that James used to sing to me when I was a kid.

"Won't you say you love me too?" I whispered, my voice breaking as tears continued to fall down my face.

"I can't love a murderer." He whispered as I turned to Riley. "And what about you, Ri?" I asked, softly, already knowing and dreading the answer.

"I have to agree with your brother here. Don't you feel sorry for what you did? It was your fault, after all." She replied, as the two of them walked out of the airport, leaving me to burst out into fresh tears.

I woke up instantly, a hand on my chest as I told deep breaths in. "It was just a dream, it was just a dream. He would never leave me." I whispered to myself, over and over again.

Only then did I notice the tears dripping onto my hand. I furiously wiped them and trudged downstairs, making myself a hot chocolate before coming back to my room and finally falling asleep.


"Hey James." I said, happily, holding up the iPad to see James on his tour bus. "Hey Pipesqueak! What's up?" He asked, popping grapes into his mouth.

"Nothing much, just doing homework and stuff. How's your tour going?" I replied, as he smiled. "It's going great! I love performing with the band. I wish you were here though. How are things going at home?" He responded as I nodded. I wish I was there too.

When he asked about things at home, I hesitated. I could tell him the truth but that would only worry him and I don't want to be a bother, so I settled for what I always do when it comes to my home life. Lie.

"Oh it's great. No one blames me about you know what anymore, so we all get along great, now." I said with a fake smile as he looked at me skeptically. "We played monopoly last night and look at the chicken pie, dad just made me!" I replied, holding up my plate.

I needed him to believe that I was fine. Dad wasn't even home and no one did anything with me unless it was to make me do chores or to insult me. I made the chicken pie myself but what James doesn't know, won't hurt him.

"Aww, that's great! I'm glad you guys are all good now. I was worried for a second that you were lying and that things weren't going well, but you never lie to me." James said, laughing, as my smile faltered a bit but I fixed it and laughed with him, nodding my head.

I felt bad for lying but I just don't want anyone to worry. I mean, what's the worst that could possibly happen?

"They could say and do stuff that drives you to the brink of suicide." The voice in my head answered as I rolled my eyes at it. As if that would ever happen.

Even though it seems like everyone's against me, I still have James and Riley and A troupe. They still love me. I think. "Yeah, so when are you guys coming back?" I said, awkwardly, but James didn't notice and he just smiled.

"In a few months time, Pipes. Don't worry. Soon you're gonna be begging me to stay abroad so that you can continue hanging out with Ethan, Daniel and dad." He said, laughing as I smiled nervously.

We continued to talk for a while before James eventually had to go. It was torture, having to pretend to be on good terms with my brothers, it just made thing awkward, but thankfully, James and Riley will be coming back in a few months. I just have to be strong for a little while longer; I can do it.

"But what if you can't. Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it. Just tell James and A troupe the truth and let them save you!" The voice in my head screamed at me but I sighed and ignored it.

What do I need saving from? Everything is going to be fine and nothing bad will happen. My conscience needs to stop acting like Daniel- the Daniel that used to be at TNS and was the choreographer of TNS East.

He always used to say, "hope for the best and prepare for the worst"; he must've rubbed off onto my conscience.

Sure, my dad and my brothers make me feel worthless but they wouldn't do or say anything to worsen those feelings- I'm sure of it.

Little did I know that in a couple of days, that would all change...


Hey guys, thank you for reading! A couple more chapters and then something big is going to happen! Read on to find out what happens next!

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