Chapter 22: That's just evil

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Piper's POV:

When I got home from rehearsals, my limbs were on fire but I ignored it and focused on the fact that I would be finding out what really happened.

"Woah, what happened to you? Why's your hair extra frizzy?" James asked me, laughing as I lay on my bed. "Well, Miss Angela was extra angry today." I answered tersely.

"Okay, okay, you can stop laughing. We have bigger things to do now." I reminded him sharply. "Yeah yeah. We can do it tomorrow 'cus you need a shower." He stated before laughing at me as I huffed and threw a pillow at him.

There are so many ways that tomorrow could go but I can only hope that it goes smoothly.

The next day:

I got up bright and early the next day, knowing that Ethan and Daniel would still be asleep.

"James! Wake up!" I hissed at him as I walked into his room, but he wouldn't budge. Shrugging to myself, I took his bottle of water and threw it on his face, smirking at him as he woke up confused.

"Come on, let's go. We can't put this off any longer." I reminded as he grumbled and finally got up. When he finished, we walked downstairs, surprised to see my dad already awake and on the couch.

"Hey guys!" He said cheerily. James nudged me but I didn't want to talk first so I discreetly pushed him forward as he shook his head and smiled at me.

"Um dad, we need to talk." He said as my dad stood up nervously. "What about?" He asked slowly.

"We overheard your conversation with 'Anne' and we want to know what really happened to mum all those years ago." James replied as my dad paled and gulped.

"No guys, you misunderstood-" He started but I interrupted him. "Dad you can stop lying, we know that you had a hand in mum's death." I said, crossing my arms.

He smirked and pulled out a gun, pointing it straight at me. "Well that's a shame, but I guess you can take this secret to the grave." He said just before pulling the trigger.

Lol I'm just kidding, imagine if that actually happened though.

"I-I can explain, just calm down." He said, as I sighed impatiently. "Your mum didn't die during your birth, Piper." He stated after a while.

"So why'd you spend my entire life blaming me then?" I asked. "I- we needed someone to blame and I guess you were the easiest to put the blame on." He replied, remorsefully as I gaped at him.

"So after committing your crime, you really decided to put the blame on a newborn baby?" I asked furiously, as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't get upset with me, I had to do what I had to do." He added defensively as I rolled my eyes. "You talk to him." I said to James as I took a step back; I can't bring myself to talk to dad anymore.

"So why'd you do it?" James asked, as dad looked down. "Well, I had a thing with Angela, I think she works at your studio, Piper. Anyways, um whilst I was seeing Angela secretly, she wanted me to leave your mother but I just couldn't bring myself to." He started.

"My hero." I muttered sarcastically to myself. "So after a while, I thought that your mum was cheating on me with her coworker and soon after she got pregnant with you. I was furious and hurt and that was when Angela came up with the plan.

I learnt that she didn't care about what happened to your mum, she just wanted her out of the picture. Pretty shallow if you ask me." He explained as James scoffed. Is this guy serious? How am I related to him?

"It's the hypocrisy for me." I muttered to James as he agreed and scoffed. "Okay, so what did you do next?" James urged as dad sighed sorrowfully.

"Um- well- you see, Angela got into my head and convinced me that what your mother did was terrible and wrong, I didn't stop to think that I was doing the same wrong thing. Two nights after your birth, Angela suggested poisoning-" He explained but I interrupted him.

"Yeah, I don't even want to know what you did to her, move on please." I said, shaking my head and looking off to the side. "Uh okay well, after that whole situation and your mother's funeral, I found out that your mother never cheated on me; she didn't do anything wrong.

We've been living in guilt ever since but I just couldn't bring myself to own up to what we did, so I just kept blaming you. It was the easiest option." He concluded as we stared at him in utter shock.

That's just evil. Pure evil.

"So you basically killed our mother for no apparent reason and for the past 16 years, you had no guts to own up to what you did, so you decided to pin all the blame onto your daughter instead." I summed up slowly as he nodded. This seriously can't be my life.

"I'm so sorry guys but-" He started but James cut him off.

"Sorry doesn't bring her back. How could you do something like that?! You're the only murderer here and I'm honestly shocked that you're not in jail already!" James ranted on angrily, as dad hung his head in shame, lifting his head up quickly at the last part.

"Wait, James, Piper, please don't go to the police. Please don't. There's no point! She's already dead and gone, so putting me in jail wouldn't do anything. Take Angela to jail but not me, I'm your dad remember?!" He pleaded as I gave him a disgusted look.

"I'll give you guys whatever you want; money, a car, food?! I'll do anything!" He begged.

James shook his head in anger and disbelief before grabbing onto my hand and dragging me out of the living room, leaving my dad to call out to us in annoyance and desperation.

As if he has the right to be angry in this situation. All I knew in that moment was that we had to go to the police.

One way or another, he was going to get arrested.


Thanks for reading, hope you liked this chapter! Please let know what you think in the comments.

Only two more chapters left to go!

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