Chapter 6: Family Dinner II

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Chapter 5's recap...

"Wow, seems like she really don't want us here." Faye spoke up.
"I don't." Shay and I both said.
"Aw, they mad.." The girl said, before laughing. I rolled my eyes, dramatically. "I mean I'd be mad too, if my nigga didn't really love me." The girl spoke again, as Faye busted out laughing.
"Y'all need to get the fuck on with that messy shit." Liz said, annoyedly.
"Bitch, who is you?" Faye asked.
"Bitch, I'm Lizzie. Who the fuck are you?" Liz said, smiling. Liz had turned into a real tough female. She wasn't always this tough. I'm glad she stands up for herself and doesn't let no one make a fool out of her.
"Bitch I'm Faye." Faye said, sarcastically.
"Exactly.." Liz laughed. "Who the fuck are you?" Liz questioned her once again, sarcastically.
"Let me make this clear." Faye said, putting her purse down on the table. " I am Faye. A. Bitch. That. Can. Fuck. Your. Nigga." Faye said. "Get it?" She questioned Liz. Within the snap of a finger Liz had already raised up out of her seat.
"Bitch, I don't think you know who I really am, don't let this dress fool you. I will come across this table and politely whoop your ass and still be cute." Liz said, seriously. The group of unknown girls stood up as well like they were ready to fight. So, Shay and I decided to stand up. Jaylie stayed seated. I think she has some type of personal beef going on with us.
"What the fuck y'all trying to do, bitch?" Shay asked, taking her earrings off.
"Yeah, y'all trying to fight or what?" I asked, looking Faye directly in the eyes. I been wanting to whoop her ass for the longest. One of the girl's started charging at Liz.


Yn's pov

Once the girl punched Liz in the face. It was a full blown out fight. Shay ran over and tried to break it up,
"Fuck.." She yelled, as she broke her nail. I looked over towards Faye, she was staring at Ray. Not just any normal stare, it was more of a stare with lust. I'm trying to be the peacemaker and keep things calm, because it was my decision to have this Family Dinner. It's a FAMILY dinner. I don't know who these girls thought they were, walking in here with beef on they're mind. After the fight had been broken up, the room turned into an loud argument between everyone.
"Aye, everybody chill the fuck out." I yelled over all the noise. "I wanted us to be able to come together and do something meaningful. We can't even do that, now." I said, frustrated.
"We were, until these bitches came in here." Shay said.
"Bitch, fuck you." One of the other females said. To be exact, it was the female that sat by Chresanto, earlier.
"Fuck you.." Shay said, turning her attention towards her.
"Nope. Your man already did." She said, smirking. I shook my head, at the level of disrespect that was coming from these girls.
"then maybe he ain't my man." Shay said, sarcastically while laughing. Chresanto looked at Shay crazily.
"Well, he's been mine actually." She said, before laughing.
"I mean, that's kinda crazy. If he's yours... Like, He's always at my house, he's always taking me out, he's always taking me shopping, we always going on trips, and not just trips to some hotel rooms bitch. I'm talking Bahamas, and private islands." Shay said, smiling. "See the difference between me and you is I use my brain. He come home to me, every night. Cook breakfast for me every morning, Dick me down, every night. And I mean everyyyy night. You still a little naive girl. I'm a grown ass woman, that can take care of my damn self. I don't need him, he need me." Shay continued, pointing towards him. "That's why that's MY man and not yours." Shay said, before taking a sip of her drink. Liz and I both clapped. The girl looked pissed, and embarrassed. I felt bad for her, because Shay was only telling the truth. If you settle with a nigga only taking you to hotel rooms, then you dumb. If he can't take you to his house, or show you that you're more than a piece of quick pussy then you're pathetic and need to get your shit together.
"So, that's how it is? You let this bitch talk to me like that?" The girl asked, looking at Chresanto.
"You ain't mines, what the fuck I'm supposed to say.." Chresanto said, annoyed. Majority of the group laughed as she ran out of the house. Faye walked over towards Ray, and wrapped her arms around his neck and began to whisper something in his ear.
"Get off me." Ray said, nonchalantly.
"Bitch, get the fuck off him. You deaf?" I asked, angrily.
"He's telling me to get off him now, but he was just wanting me to get on him." She said, smiling.
"Don't nobody fucking want you." I said, after rolling my eyes. "How the fuck can you be so ugly and still manage to be conceited..." I added, confusedly. She just stared at me, "what the fuck are you looking at?" I asked, getting irritated. "You know what.." I started to say, smiling to myself. "Get the fuck out my house, all you little rat bitches." I said.
"you must don't know who I am?" One of the girls said.
"I just don't give a fuck. Bye." I said, watching them walk away. I heard the door close, so I took my seat, that was next to Ray.
"Why the fuck did you invite them?" I asked Jaylie. It seemed like it was something she was hiding. She barely opened her mouth this whole time. And isn't it funny how the girls was quick to snap on everybody but her.
Jaylie shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes.
"what the fuck has gotten into you, B?" I asked, getting angry.
"I know what it is. She wanna see everybody unhappy because that bitch ain't happy." Shay said, seriously.
"Ah, shut the fuck up." Jaylie said.
"No, I'm telling the truth. You're a miserable bitch. You see everybody happy and it just kills you inside. Newsflash bitch, the world doesn't fucking revolve around your desperate ass." Shay continued.
"Bitch, just cause you got money now doesn't make you better than anybody." Jaylie said,
"Bitch, I been had money. I never ever said, I was better than anyone." Shay said. "All I'm saying is that you brought them bitches to Yn's house, to try to make our lives miserable like yours. You really need to do better. I really feel bad for you." Shay added.
"Bitch, I will beat your ass." Jaylie said.
"You better rethink that. We grew up together you know better lil bitch." Shay said, referring to the times Jaylie would always get jealous of her and try to fight. She would always lose. Jaylie stood up, angrily. Prince just sighed and shook his head.
"You're supposed to be on my side." Jaylie said, looking down at Prince.
"Everything ain't about you, Jaylie." Prince said. "Sit yo ass down with all that dramatic messy shit." Prince added.
"Who are you talking to ?" Jaylie asked, shocked.
"You. I'm tired of this shit foreal. These girls have had your back since Day 1, and you just gone turn on them like that because of what you're going through..." He stated, but got cut off.
"It's what WE'RE going through." Jaylie said, angrily.
"WE ain't going through shit. It's YOU. it's always YOU. Yeah, I cheated on you, and I'll cheat on you again and again and again. I've been nothing but loyal to you and you're the one that decided to cheat on me first." Prince said, angrily. Everyone looked shocked, including me because if you let Jaylie tell the story.... It's all Prince's fault.
"I apologized." She said, whining.
"Wow. That's nothing. That didn't make me feel better, that didn't stop the heartache." He said, putting his shades on and standing up.
"Where you going?" Jaylie asked, sadly.
"Home. Don't come either.." He said, as he pushed the chair up towards the table. "thanks for the dinner, yn. See you later, everyone." He said, before he left out.
"See what the fuck y'all have done." Jaylie said, as she ran out chasing behind him. Everybody sighed and shook their head.
"Damn, mane." I said, feeling bad.
"I really don't give a fuck, anymore. She needs to quit blaming her wrongs on others and stand up for herself. This shit is getting ridiculous." Liz said, adding.
"You're right." I said, nodding my head. Everyone started to leave. I hugged everyone as they left out the door. It has been a crazy reckless night. Maybe I should've just never had the dinner like Ray said. I shook my head as Ray embraced me in a hug.
"Don't feel bad baby, maybe this is what she needed." He said, massaging my shoulders. I just listened and nodded my head. "C'mon, let's go take a shower." He said, as he picked me up bridal style. After we took a shower, we eventually went to sleep after watching movies. I know that it'll soon just get better for Jaylie but she's not even herself right now. I don't know who she is, anymore. She needs time to actually figure out who it is. Prince was once Jaylie's everything. She did any and everything to be with him when we were younger. And she had totally just gave up.

You can't remain in love, if a certain someone isn't feeling loved.
-Reni J.

Excuse any mistakes, seriously. I typed this up pretty fast. 😘
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