"I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way"

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I'll be honest, I want to come back to Republic City. I want to be with you. That's what makes this so difficult, as much as I want to see you and get back to being the Avatar, I know that leaving the South Pole for Republic City isn't a good idea. But neither is staying here.

I've been trying to not panic and push away this vision of mine whenever I see her. She still doesn't say anything. But there have been a couple times where she's been far in the distance, and it feels almost like she's waiting for me to come to her. I might try following her next time just to see what happens. At this point I'm willing to try anything.

I miss you. I'll keep you updated.




I wish you could be here, too. But I think deep down both of us know that that's not what's best for you. I want desperately to see you, but more than anything I want you to do whatever it is you need to do to get past this block and figure out this vision. If that means waiting, I'll wait for you. I'll tell myself every day that maybe I'll come home and find you waiting outside my apartment. Whatever you need, I'll give to you, even if that means giving you time and space.

The good news is, the construction on the station is finishing up. So far Raiko has no complaints, which is surprising. But it'll keep me busy for a little while. I'm currently trying to settle a deal with a cafe and a dumpling place to set up shop in the station, along with a newsstand.

I miss you, too.




I followed her. I saw her as I was walking home from Katara's and decided, fuck it, I'll see where this takes me, if it goes somewhere weird I can always just turn around. 

And you know where she brought me? The docks. I stood at one end and just watched her as she stood by a ship that people were getting onto. I watched people flock all around her as they boarded, and realized that she was waiting for me to follow her so she could lead me onto it.

I think I'm supposed to follow her. Maybe she really is trying to tell me something or take me somewhere and maybe you were right, maybe I'm supposed to listen. I'm going to float the idea to my parents. I'm not going to tell them about her, if they knew they definitely wouldn't let me go, but I think they'll understand me wanting to leave. My mom has picked up on how miserable I've been the past few weeks. I think she knows that I can't stay here much longer, too.

Please tell me you partnered with that dumpling place we all used to go to when I was in Republic City. That place was great. I miss it almost as much as I miss you.




I think you're right, I think she's trying to tell you that you need to leave the South Pole. And maybe you're supposed to follow her, even if you don't know where she's going to take you. Maybe she's got Avatar wisdom and she knows exactly where you're supposed to go.

Yes, it is the dumpling place we used to go to. I was thinking of that when I picked it, I thought that might make you happy.



PS Why were you at Katara's? Are you okay?


Oh, I only went to Katara's to have her check on that cracked rib I got while you were here. I thought it was healed, but I just wanted to make sure. Everything's fine. It's healed perfectly. I saw Kya, though, and she told me to say hello to you. So: Kya says hello. With a smirk, of course.

I spoke to my parents. They're obviously worried, but they said that if I need to leave, then I should. They offered to arrange for the White Lotus to bring me back to Republic City, but I said I'd rather go alone. I don't know where this is going to take me, and I don't want to drag others along in case it takes me anywhere and everywhere. 

I also don't know how long this will take and the thought of not knowing when I'll see you again is...horrible. I thought leaving Republic City was hard but this is way worse. At least when I came back home I thought I had a timeline, I thought I'd be back soon and I wouldn't have to go too long without seeing you. Knowing now that it took so much longer than expected makes me worry about how long it'll take for me to follow this vision and get past this spiritual block. I don't want to go years without seeing you again, especially if I can't even write to you because I won't be in any one place long enough for you to respond.

I can't wait till I get back. Can we go for dumplings together when I do?




I mean...I could come with you, if you want. My offer from two and a half years ago to keep you company still stands. I could come down to the South Pole and we'll head off together, leave behind the stresses that have been hanging heavy on us all this time and forget about the rest of the world. No deadlines and no pressures from anyone or anything else. Just the two of us, taking all the time we need.

Let me know. If you need me to be on the next ship to the South Pole, I'll be there.



PS Yes, we absolutely can go for dumplings once you're back. I'd suggest a date, but something tells me Bolin would feel left out that we didn't take him along, too. Which means the rest of Team Avatar will want to come. It'll be a little welcome back party, and afterwards you can come spend the night at my place, if that's not too forward.

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