"I am still under the spell of being with you"

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Well, I made it back to Republic City in one piece, and as expected, I'm jumping right back into the swing of things. President Raiko sent a letter asking me to meet with him, he wants to talk about making a deal with Future Industries to modernize Republic City's Central City Station. As much as I dislike him, I think it might help redeem the company. I wish you were here so I could ask you for advice. By the time you get this letter and send a response I'll probably already have taken the deal and started working on it.

I saw Mako recently. He's been working as a bodyguard for Prince Wu, so he hasn't been around much, but he was in town so we went out to dinner to catch up. I told him about the deal and he thinks it's a great idea, even if it means working closely with someone I dislike. He joked and said that that's what bodyguarding for Wu is like. I'm inclined to believe him. I've never met the Prince, but from the stories Mako was telling me, he seems like a piece of work.

I almost slipped up and admitted that we've kept in touch and that I just got back from visiting you. He said he was wondering how you were doing and I almost told him, but instead said I didn't know because I hadn't heard from you. He said he's still writing you letters, which took me by surprise. It's not like Mako to make that much of an effort. That sounds mean, but you know what I mean. We both dated him. Anyway, part of me felt guilty, knowing I'm the only person you've been writing to, but part of me felt special too. Is that wrong?

You're so sweet, sending me a letter to come home to. Did my postcard arrive?


PS Keep the brush. I accidentally brought back one of your Water Tribe shirts. The one you let me borrow when we went shopping to get me some warmer clothes. I guess I put it in the shopping bag and put on the new shirt, and never took it out to give it back to you. Call it even?


So that's where that shirt went. It looks good on you, even if the sleeves were a little too short. Everything looks good on you. I used to hate you for that. Just...please don't wear it out, in case anyone asks why you're wearing Water Tribe stuff and then you have to explain that you visited and then everyone realizes that I'm only keeping in touch with you and they start wondering if I miss them or not. I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I miss everybody but I can't talk to them the way I talk to you. And as much as I don't want for them to think that they're not as special or something, with the way you phrased it in your last letter, I think what we have is kinda special. I feel a little guilty for that, too. I love all you guys but I think you and me are just closer.

By the time you get this you probably already took the deal. I think you should go for it. Raiko's the worst but this is a really great opportunity. Keep me updated. I hope it works out.

And yes, your postcard arrived. Thanks for sending it. It cheered me up, I've been kinda bummed since you left.



I can't believe you used to hate me! I mean, I kind of knew that you didn't really like me at first, I figured it was because of the whole Mako situation. Honestly there was a moment where I thought I didn't like you, back when Mako and I were still together and it was clear he had feelings for you, but I quickly realized that disliking you was directing my hurt in the wrong place. I was frustrated with Mako, and felt hurt that he loved you instead of me, but that just made me really want you to like me. I know that's weird. I feel like any other person probably would've just left whatever friend group this happened in, especially because the four of us hadn't been friends for a long time, but I wanted to stay. At first I thought it was because I still had feelings for Mako and wanted him back, but I didn't feel like I was competing with you, and I also didn't feel jealous of you. I think me kissing him and us briefly getting back together while you were gone sort of made me realize I wasn't in this for him. All I could think about is how I wanted you to like me, and I was scared that you didn't.

At any rate, I haven't worn the shirt outside. I'll sometimes wear it around the house just because it's starting to get cold. It's nice. The smell reminds me of being in the South Pole with you.

Maybe it's not a bad thing that you and I are closer to each other than we are to anyone else. What's so wrong about that? I think it's really special, and we shouldn't feel guilty for that.

I took the deal. It's all still in the early stages, but I'll keep you updated as we go along.



I mean, hate's a strong word. I never actually hated you. I think I was just jealous that you were with Mako when I really liked him. At first I didn't like you because you were this super pretty, fancy girl and I thought "well of course he likes her over me, who wouldn't?". Once I actually got to know you I started to like you more. Like I said on the racetrack, I totally had you pegged wrong. And honestly the more I got to know Mako the less I liked him. Don't get me wrong, he's a great friend and I don't hate him and I don't regret dating him. But as a boyfriend I didn't really like him that much. Getting along with you felt so different. I kinda felt the whole "I really want her to like me" thing too. Once I realized you being so cool isn't something to hate I really grew to appreciate it. The more time we spent together and the more we got along I was really glad that you liked me.

You're right. That's not something to feel guilty about. We both deserve to have someone we can really trust and I'm glad that we found that in each other.

I miss you. My house has felt empty again since you left.


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