"I write to you differently now you're coming back"

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I can't believe you're gonna be here in two weeks! It's so soon but it feels so far away. Every day that passes feels longer than the last. I'm so impatient. I want to do so much with you, so much that we couldn't do last time because I couldn't walk and then I was just gone for a few days. I still haven't tried to go to the Spirit World or go into the Avatar State, if I'm being completely honest. I'm scared after what happened last time. I've been training so hard and I'm doing so much better than I was but I still feel like once Tenzin finds out I've been trapped spiritually he won't let me come back to Republic City with you. I don't know what I'd do.

I don't want to focus on that. I'm not about to let that get in the way of spending a whole week with you. I'm just happy I'll finally get to see you again. Is that too eager?



Wait, you haven't been back to the Spirit World? I thought it was just the Avatar State. We can go together, if you like. We can just walk in through the portal. At the end of the day, I think Tenzin's going to notice how hard you've worked and how far you've come. The fact that you're back to sparring and training is something to be really proud of. And honestly, if Tenzin is hesitant, we can probably convince him to bring you back. He might be able to help guide you into the Avatar State, or maybe Jinora could. There's a benefit to you coming back that would be hard to argue with. You're also an adult who can decide for herself whether or not she's ready. Even if Tenzin refuses, what's to stop you from hopping on the next ship?

I can't wait to see you. I'm already packing my stuff even though I still have a week until I leave, so I'm eager for sure.

I'll see you in a week, Avatar.



Yeah...I've avoided the Spirit World. I'm worried that if I try to walk into the portal I'll get stuck again and this time I might not come back. And I don't really want you to have to go on another rescue mission for me, I don't want to lose days with you when there's still a chance that this week will be the only time we get to spend together for a while. I don't want to waste it. I want us to be able to relax for once. Don't we deserve that? Don't get me wrong, it seems like whatever we do, whatever is thrown at us, we take it in stride together and even make it fun. There's nobody else I would rather be stuck in the desert with. But boy would it be nice to have no missions, no threats, just you and I enjoying some peace together. And then we'll head back to Republic City and be back to business.

I hope this letter reaches you before you leave. Safe travels, and I'll see you so soon.


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