"watch the stars from your tower and when one dartles, that's me"

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Have I mentioned how amazing you are? You've always been ready to be there for me, however I need you. You've dropped everything to be there for me and you've let me handle things myself without a second thought. Thank you. I don't know if you coming with me would be a good idea, though. I'm on the fence about it. There's part of me that wants to jump on the opportunity to see you, but there's part of me that feels like dragging you along is selfish. You have a life and commitments in Republic City and I don't know how long I'll be gone for, or where I'm even going.

But at the same time I don't want to shut you out and hurt you. I don't want to say I need to do this alone and then just disappear on you. I don't want to leave you alone. I don't want to make you feel like you've been left behind just for a mission. I dunno. I'm conflicted.

Miss you a lot.




I care about you. You mean so much to me, and I want all good things for you. You've had so much to deal with the past couple years, and this vision is already causing a lot of stress and frustration for you. I'm not about to insist upon coming with you or that you need to do this alone, nor am I going to resent you for however you decide to go about this. That's not going to help you or this situation. Ultimately, I want what's best for you. You deserve to be happy and well again. How could I ever hold you back from that?

Please know, though, that you don't have to worry about being selfish if I do come along with you. I wouldn't offer if it wasn't feasible for me. I have an entire company that can handle the rest of the station project. If you need me there with you then with you is where I want to be.

I also won't feel hurt if you do decide you need to do this alone. I'll miss you, of course, that goes without saying. I miss you already. But I can handle that. That's not your responsibility to shoulder, especially not with everything else hanging over you.

I'm here for you whenever, however, wherever you need me to be.




I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You've made carrying all of this so much lighter. Thank you for trusting my judgment and my capabilities. I know that's not easy. I know you're scared for me. I think I'm just hesitant to lean towards going alone because I know you'll feel even more scared because you'll have no idea where I am or if I'm even okay and I don't want to do that to you. I care about you, too, and the thought of causing you that kind of stress hurts me. I know you can handle it but that doesn't mean you should have to.




I think part of being in a relationship with someone is knowing that you're going to miss them when they're not around and you're going to worry about them when they're struggling or in danger. It's unavoidable when you care about someone this much. And that's how everyone feels about the people they care about, even when those people live relatively safe lives. You and I repeatedly put ourselves on the line, and that's not about to stop, so of course we're going to fear for each other, more so than other people might. Just like how I choose to sign up for Team Avatar every day, I'm choosing to care about you, knowing damn well that means there's going to be some worry involved. I want you. I want all of this. Please trust that I wouldn't be here if it wasn't what's best for me, too.

It sounds like you're leaning towards doing this alone. I won't be hurt if that's what you decide to do. I'm not going to lie to you and say I won't be scared for you, I will be, but that's okay. I know what I signed up for, and I trust you to do what you think is best.

The offer still stands, though. Just let me know.




You're right. It's unavoidable. I know that because it's exactly how I feel about you. I'll take missing you and worrying about you over not having you at all. I think I'll always feel a bit of guilt that you'll spend more time worrying about me than you would if you were dating a normal person. But if this is what you want I won't stop you. You trust my judgment on what would be best for me, and I need to do the same for you. It's just wild to me that you've decided I'm what's best for you. I almost can't believe it but then I remember that you're what's best for me, too.

But I think I need to do this alone. I'm so sorry. I think I need to follow her and I think I need to do it without anything that might distract me. And I mean this in the best way possible...you can be very distracting. 

This is one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I hate not knowing when I'll see you again and I wish I could just be in Republic City with you. But I promise you that someday I'll take you on a journey somewhere, just the two of us, and it won't be a mission.

I need to go soon but I'm going to miss you so, so fucking much.




You don't have to apologize for anything. It's okay. This is what you need to do, so I want you to do it. I'm happy to miss you. I'm happy to worry about you. I wouldn't want it any other way. Honestly? More than anything I'm proud of you. You came back from the dead and emerged from the whole experience with so much strength, love, and kindness. I know that the past two and a half years have felt so slow, like everything in your life was paused, but I hope someday you're able to see it from my point of view so you can appreciate how much has changed because you decided again and again to put in the work to change your circumstances and to grow from it all.

When do you leave?




I, uh, cried reading your letter. I don't see this the way that you see it but it means so much to me that you do. Maybe someday I'll feel proud of myself and I won't feel like I was set back by everything that happened. I don't know if I ever will but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. 

Thank you for being with me every step of the way. Thank you for choosing me again and again. Please don't forget while I'm gone that I'm choosing you, too. Every single day that I wake up and follow her I get closer to seeing you again. This whole time I've been hesitant to go because I felt like following her would only take me farther away from Republic City, farther away from you, but really it's one step closer to coming back.

I leave in just over a week. I don't know if I'll hear back from you before I actually leave, so I'll say all of this now: I'm going to miss you. I'm going to think of you every single day. I say that as if I don't already, but you know what I mean. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't believe how lucky I am that the person I choose again and again chooses me, too. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know we won't be able to keep in contact while I'm gone, but I'm going to look at the moon every night that I'm gone and find solace in knowing that you're looking at the same moon. No matter what, we're still under the same sky.

I'll see you soon.



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