"my darling I shall see you so soon-horray"

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I can promise you that I'm not going to get bored with you and go back to Republic City only to lose touch. I get excited just by getting a letter from you. I think I'll enjoy seeing you again no matter what we wind up doing together. And hey, if you're slowly starting to walk again, I can help you. We can go for walks like I said. We'll bring the wheelchair, and you can walk a little bit while holding onto me for support, and when you tire out we'll use the wheelchair again. Isn't the Glacier Spirits Festival a couple months away? I can come for that and we can go together!

I'm really glad to hear you're making progress. I know sometimes that confronting trauma can feel like "okay, I accept it was a traumatic experience, can I be over it now?", but oftentimes after that phase is when things get a little bit rough. For me, that's when I realized how close to death I was, and it's when my anxiety really kicked in. I became jumpy and paranoid. I would get pretty easily triggered by sudden noises. That's when the insomnia got really bad for me. But, you do get through it, and you start to heal and feel better. But there's a good chance it's going to get worse before it gets better.

I wish you were here, too.



I completely forgot about the festival! It's about 6 weeks away. I can't believe it's been almost a year already since Harmonic Convergence. I would love to have you here for that. Hopefully this year we'll actually get to relax and enjoy the festival, instead of dealing with a Civil War and an impending apocalypse. I just...please don't think that you need to take care of me while you're here. I don't want you to feel like a maid or a nurse. I just want to see you.

I'm really scared of that phase. I don't know what it's going to look like for me, if I'm already having nightmares. But I guess there's no sense worrying about it until it actually happens.

I can't wait to see you. Let me know when you'll get here!



I have a few important business meetings to take care of in the next couple weeks before I come down to see you, but I'll be there! I haven't told any of the team here that I'm going, otherwise I would've asked Tenzin if I could just fly down on Uugi. They think I'm going to the Fire Nation to meet a potential client. In reality I'll be sailing past the Fire Nation to Kyoshi Island, and then I have to stay overnight to wait for the next ship to take me from there to the South Pole. If all goes according to plan, I'll be there exactly a week before the festival, and I'll leave a few days afterwards.

Let me know if there's anything from Republic City you want me to bring! I'm already stocking up on tea to take with me.

I'll see you soon!



I can't believe you're going to be here in less than a month. I don't even know if this letter will reach you in time before you leave. Don't worry about bringing me anything! I'm just excited to see you. You may want to pack some warmer clothes, though, because it's pretty cold. If you don't have any we can always get you some Water Tribe gear to keep you nice and cozy.

If I don't hear from you before you leave, travel safely!


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