"my fingers itch to suggest that you should come down"

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The tea tastes amazing. Thank you for sending it. I try my best to drink a cup or two before heading to bed, because it's hard to get up and make myself a cup in the middle of the night after a bad dream. I still can't walk and I need help getting in and out of bed. But it helps me fall asleep instead of lying awake for hours replaying the poisoning in my mind and fearing having another nightmare.

I miss spending girl friend time with you, too. Life is pretty boring here. But I'm still in such a bad place, and I don't want you to come all the way here when I can't do much. You have a business to run and a life of your own, plus an apartment to find. How's that going? Have you found yourself a fancy sky-rise place to call your own? I have a feeling that once I'm back in Republic City we're gonna spend a lot of time there. I mean, you and I both know Mako is going to love the view, even if he never admits it. And Bolin is gonna want to spend as much time there as possible so he and Pabu can eat all the fancy food you'll have.

Just thinking about all this sort of cheers me up a bit. I'm guessing that if you do end up in a nice penthouse apartment you won't have a track anymore. We'll just have to go for drives outside of Republic City. Maybe I can finally learn how to.



I haven't had much luck finding a new place yet. I think I'm gonna avoid high rises and penthouses. I don't want anything too lavish that might remind me of the mansion, though I wouldn't mind a good view of the city skyline. I think I'd like to live in a studio apartment in a quiet little neighborhood. Maybe at some point I'll move to a different place with rooms and a view, but for now I just want something cozy. This mansion feels so empty, and I'm scared that if I live in a big penthouse apartment it'll feel empty too. I think right now I'd rather be cozy in a cramped up space. I'm going to keep the mansion, though, on the off chance that my father does ever get out of prison, or if Team Avatar ever needs a place to stay. It's big enough for the four of us, plus Lin and the Zaofu gang, and whoever else gets sucked into our adventures. Naga and Uugi, too.

I understand if you would rather have some space and not have any visitors. But please don't think that you shouldn't have company because you worry that I wouldn't enjoy spending time with you. I don't care what we do, or if we even do anything at all, I just miss spending time with you. I would thoroughly enjoy lazy days together. I would love to cook for you. We can go out for walks together so we can get a change of scenery. And if you wake up from a nightmare, I can get up and make you a cup of tea, that way you're not just lying in bed all alone trying to calm yourself down so you can get some sleep. If you'd rather have some alone time to heal I understand, but please know that I would love to see you again, even if we don't do anything in particular.



I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to see you. I do. I guess I'm just scared that you'll be bored here with me and you'll go back to Republic City and we'll lose touch and stop being friends. Now that I write it down on paper it seems ridiculous. But it's something I'm scared of. I'm angry that just as you and I really started to get close I had to leave. I keep thinking of what my life would look like if I wasn't ever poisoned, wondering what you and I would be up to if I was still in Republic City right now. I know we would both be super busy, you with Future Industries and me with general Avatar stuff, but I feel like we would hang out a lot. Maybe I would be staying at the mansion with you so it wouldn't feel so empty.

I'm starting to do a little bit better. I can walk, but not very far, and only with someone or something else to hold onto. And I can do some very basic bending with my hands! Other than that I still can't do much. The Avatar State isn't even on my radar at this point.

I've started confronting how traumatic it was to be poisoned. It's pretty difficult. I still feel so powerless. Where am I supposed to go from here? I've accepted it was traumatizing but I still have to heal, and nobody knows how long that'll take.

I wish I was in Republic City with you and the rest of the team.


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