"I have a perfectly romantic and no doubt untrue vision of you in my mind"

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Tenzin had mentioned he was going to the South Pole! I had no idea it was happening so soon. How are you feeling about that? I know I would be anxious. Honestly, I've been a ball of anxiety these past few weeks. The station is about half-built and Raiko still hasn't come to check it out. I wish he would, because if it turns out he doesn't like it and it's almost finished it'll be such a pain to start from scratch.

That's not even important right now. I'd love to come with him to visit...but how should I approach him about this? I'm not ready for anyone to know about me being bisexual so I don't want to say that I'd like to go all the way to the South Pole with him to kiss you. I mean, obviously that's not the only reason for me coming to visit. I miss you and it's been over a year since we saw each other and I can't wait to see how far you've come. Is it weird that I also kinda miss your parents too?



Spirits, Raiko is useless. If he really tries to get you to start over I'm gonna bring myself all the way back to Republic City just to go all Avatar State on him. If I could get into the Avatar State. I still can't. I'm worried that Tenzin's going to want to keep me here until I can. So, to answer your question, yeah. I'm anxious.

I actually just got a letter from Tenzin about his visit, I'll write back asking if you can tag along with him. I'm sure he'll be happy you take you. I won't mention anything that might tip him off, though, I'm not really ready for anyone else to know either. Besides you and Kya.

I can't believe you'll be here soon. I can't believe we'll finally get to kiss, that when we're lying in bed neither of us has to feel like we need to keep enough space between us, that I can just roll over and wrap myself around you. We can spend all night kissing, and touching...


PS not weird at all. My parents adore you and can't wait to see you.


That little "dot dot dot" of yours...how I wish you'd gone on to tell me what else you were thinking. Because I'm thinking of it, too. It's almost distracting sometimes, imagining all the things we'll be doing in just a few weeks. You don't know how much I want to kiss your lips ever so lightly, leaving you hungry for more, only to kiss your chin, then your neck, your collarbones, further and further down.

Anyway. Tenzin stopped by the other day, not long after I got your last letter. He's looking forward to seeing you, and he asked how you were doing. I slipped up and told him that you said you were doing a lot better but still couldn't get into the Avatar State. I'm sorry. I know we've been keeping our contact quiet. I asked him not to tell anyone that we'd been writing back and forth because you didn't want anyone else to feel forgotten about and he said he wouldn't say anything to anybody, and that he had figured we were at least writing to one another if I was planning on visiting. I don't think he suspects a thing, though.

I can't wait to see you.


PS What makes you think you'll be the big spoon, Avatar?


You're such a tease, leaving my imagination to run wild like that. I need to be honest though. I've never had sex with another woman, so I really don't know what I'm doing. And we'll definitely need to be quiet. I really don't want my parents to hear. I don't want to come out to them just yet and I don't think I could ever look at them again if they ever heard me having sex.

Also, it's okay that you slipped up and told Tenzin, I had mentioned to him in my letter that you and I were writing back and forth. I figure if he's gonna be bringing you to visit me, he'll assume that we're at least having some contact. Word got round to Kya though, who asked me if what she was thinking was going on was in fact "going on". I didn't give her a yes or no answer. I just smiled and shrugged. I feel like she wouldn't tell anybody because she kinda knows what this is like. I kinda want to tell her about it though? I wanna thank her for her guidance. Let me know where you're at, if you don't want her to know I won't say anything.


PS I'm the big spoon because I'm the Avatar so I gotta protect you while you're sleeping. And because I say so.


Honestly...I've never had sex with another women, either. I'm a little relieved we're in the same boat. But at the same time I'm not too anxious over it? I feel like we know each other and trust each other so much, there's no reason it won't feel that way when we're having sex. Everything between us seems to just flow so naturally. But, I like the challenge behind making it difficult for you to stay quiet. One thing you should know about me: I'm all about a slow, teasing build. I love to drive someone crazy almost to the point of begging and I have a feeling I'm going to love building that tension with you.

That said, this has been building for so long, I might just cave with you as soon as I get the chance.

I was kind of thinking of thanking Kya, too. If she hadn't talked to me about this while I was visiting you I don't know how long it would've been before I started actually acknowledging and accepting my bisexuality. Maybe...we can tell her together while I'm there? Although it looks like she might already have figured it out for herself. Still, I'm sure she would love to hear about it in person, and I would love to thank her.

Can you believe we'll be seeing each other in less than a month?


PS Sure, you're the Avatar and you can protect me, but sometimes the Avatar needs protecting, too. I want to keep you safe in my arms as much as you want to keep me in yours.

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