"I can't help letting hope break in"

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So...I'm the dumbest Avatar. You know how Kya said her girl friend from Kyoshi Island was coming to visit? Turns out, this woman isn't a friend who's a girl. She's Kya's girlfriend. Like, they're together, they're a couple. I can't believe I didn't realize that by myself! Her name is Ushi and they've been together for years. Katara and Kya hosted a dinner to celebrate their anniversary, and we were invited. Going into it I didn't know it was an anniversary dinner, and I didn't even realize they were together until they gave a small speech to thank us all for coming and to celebrate being together for 15 years. I've never seen Kya so sincere. She said that while they were proud to be together and to share it with us, they still didn't want for this to be public information. I don't blame her. Water tribe customs are very...private. You don't talk about your personal life or your family life to anyone who isn't family or a very close friend. And as much as Kya and Ushi love one another, Ushi can't just abandon the Kyoshi Warriors to move here, and I think Kya will be in the South Pole for as long as Katara is alive. So, to everyone else, they're just friends whenever Ushi comes to visit or whenever Kya visits her. But they wanted to finally share it with us.

Apparently, Kya came out as a lesbian to her friends and family years ago, and all of her family has met Ushi. But it was really nice for her to include our family. I don't know what inspired her to come out and have us meet Ushi now of all times, but I'm glad it happened.

Anyway. I've started walking again, with crutches. Katara says that I've made a lot of progress the past couple months and I might be walking on my own in a few weeks! Which means I'll be back to training and relearning how to fight soon. Hopefully.



I'm not really surprised Kya is a lesbian. She kind of told me while I was there. She didn't explicitly say she was a lesbian but she wasn't subtle about it either. It's interesting that she chose now to tell more people. She really didn't say anything about why she chose right now?

I'm so glad to hear that you're on your feet again. You've been working so hard, and it's paying off. I know it's been a really slow, frustrating process.

I have good news too! I finished designing the new Republic City Central Station. Well, I've finished the first draft of it. I'm meeting with Raiko in a few days to show him what I've got, I have a feeling he's going to nitpick it just to be a pain. But it's sleek, and it's efficient. I've left space in the design because I have a feeling he's going to want to open a newsstand and some type of cafe, seeing as people often come from or are going on long trips when they use the central station.

I hate to ask, but how are the nightmares? I've had a couple about what happened with the Spirit Portal when I was there, and I've been thinking of you. I don't want either of us to suffer in silence over it when we have each other, even from half a world away.



I've had a few nightmares about that. But they've been more about what would've happened if things went wrong for you. I honestly don't remember much of what happened. It just felt like I had been waiting a thousand years and I couldn't see anything. I don't know how to describe it. It didn't feel like having my eyes closed or it just being too dark to see, it was more like there was just nothing there until I felt you. It was like you had just saved me from drowning, but I was drowning in slow motion. I wasn't breathing but I wasn't dying, but you came and pulled me out and then I felt everything all at once. I didn't realize how serious the situation was until you had told me what happened and what you had to do to get me back. I think I can't really have nightmares about what happened to me, because nothing happened. There was nothing there. But I have nightmares about me being saved and you being taken and me not being able to save you.

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