my story and why

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Hello everyone. For the time being, unless one of you would like to change that, this fanfic is canceled.

Let me explain why.

Starting in about 2014 and going on until 2019. I was abused, manipulated, and used by my ex best friend.

She goes by animatroniclovingsylveon and dailyashleighraichu on tumblr.
Keep in mind I don't want anyone interacting/going after her in anger.

I understand however some people may not want to respect this in outrage and I won't be able to stop you.
All I ask is you don't mention me or anything about this if you do.

Going on with this.
In November of 2019 on Thanksgiving (american Thanksgiving) we broke things off because I simply couldn't take her verbal and emotional abuse anymore.

She had spent years using me for money, luxurious items, fancy food, and whatever else she wanted.
If she didn't get her way, she'd take it out on me.

An example,
In highschool she'd call in the middle of the night asking for narcotics.
My dad has bipolar disorder and has them to control his episodes. It was creepy, wrong, and horrible.

I of course, not knowing this at the time, brushed it off with a "shes having a hard time". She would ask about various medications me and my dad would take for bipolar disorder since we both have it. Also creepy.

I have type 2 and he has type 1.
So of course we'd take meds for stabilization.

When I told her no, she got furiously angry. Telling me I was a bad and horrible friend and she hopes I rot in hell. Then blocked me for weeks before, guess what?

She showed up at my house. Begging to use my printer or she'd fail some project.

Again! I took pity on her and let her in.

Years passed and she continued to have this behavior, infact, it got even WORSE.

Keep in mind, I did my fair share of bad teen behavior, ya know, when I was a teen.
Not saying I was perfect and never did anything wrong, however she treated everyone like her slaves and walking banks.

As we got older and became adults, again, she only got worse. While the rest of us had our own lives and improvement, she continued to push her problems onto other people abusing us into solving them for her.
Us as in me and my other friends.

Upon ME turning 21, she started drinking. Because guess what? She bullied me into letting her have my birthday alchohol.
She even told a waitress at my birthday dinner I thought she was hot (ya know, the waitress), like in deep embarrassing details that I had never mentioned.

Cuz I texted ashleigh "she kinda cute!" So obviously it was a passing thought and didn't think she'd betray my trust.

Then not only did she make me cry, the entire day she made my birthday about her.

Keep in mind, I've spent thousands on this girl. Lots of money.
Gaming pcs, video game consoles, name brand clothes, vacations, shopping mall sprees, etc etc.

And I've thrown 6 of her birthday parties, gotten her luxurious cakes, and so much more.

After my birthday she bullied me into going out with her. Yep. Romantically.
Keep in mind shes an alcoholic at this point.

(Gross details going forth)

New years rolls around and she's bullied me into getting her alchohol.
We were kissing and she started licking my mouth, and then we were french kissing. Even though I didn't really want to.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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