command hub 45 (before)

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When you awoke you were groggy..
Reaching out for warmth you spoke softly "daddy..."
When you found warmth from a body you wrapped yourself around it.

After a few moments you heard soft laughing before you were shook slightly.
You became more awake and you looked up at lotors amused face. "Did you just call me daddy?"

Your face turned bright red as you flopped around a bit covering your face. "N-no! A-at least... crud I didn't mean to i-im sorry Prince loto--"

He chuckled and cupped your cheek. "Is that how you see me (y/n)?~
A father figure or--
Cuz I don't mind as long as we're alone.~"

Your blush grew as you bit your lip and pouted.
Lotor leaned in and kissed you before moving back.
"Aww... my little general~"
You pressed your face into his chest out of embarrassment. Trying to push him off the bed.
He laughed at your attempts and picked you up. Setting you in his lap.
"Now now. I was only teasing. You're more then a cute young woman.
You're practically a queen~"

His eyes filled with lust and--
Something more...
It was new to you.
You were facing him while still in his lap but you couldn't help but smile and look down from the compliment.

After a few ticks you lean up a little and kiss him on the lips.
He kissed back, holding you close to him. You felt his tongue on your lips begging for entrance.
At first you declined and he growled.
After a giggle you opened your mouth and let his tongue slip past your lips.

He held the back of your head and your lower back to keep you in place as he got a good taste of you before pulling away.
"Defiantly a taste from the gods~"

After messing around a bit more you both got up and got ready. As you were brushing your hair lotor came up behind you.
"Ya know (Y/n)... I can braid your hair if you like."
You looked in the mirror for a moment, your long (h/c) locks probably could use a new style.
"Yes please. I'd like that lotor. Thank you."

He smiled as he begun to braid your hair in a hightop ponytail.
After braiding it downwards and putting it over your shoulder you were satisfied with the new look.
"Its-- wonderful." You smiled and got up hugging him.
He chuckled and hugged back "Well I am the Prince of--mmnnf?"
You yanked him down for a big kiss before letting go and putting two fingers to your lips smiling, then walking out.

He purred for a moment, grinning at your swaying hips as he went after you.
Composing himself before entering the command deck.

"Good day generals. What's our status?"
He asked before sitting down.

Zethrid hit a few buttons before looking back at him "well everything is clear. We're actually ahead of schedule. We'll arrive the quintant after tomorrow my lord."

Lotor smiled and placed his cheek onto his first, slouching forward. "Excellent. I can't wait to see that old haggar." He said that last part with sarcasm.

Later on you and the others quickly got to work on repairs and such.
After a few vaga you eventually found the kitchen.
Surprised by the surplus of food you started cooking for 6.

The smell wavered through the ship and it brought the other 4 generals around.

Ezor sniffed the air and cried happily "oh my Gods that's amazing! What's that smell??"

Zethrid groaned and held her stomach "fuck I don't care I'm just hungry.."

Acxa sighed "control yourselves. What are you cooking (y/n)?"

Kova, narti's cat cried out wanting food like a big baby.
You leaned down petting kova before giving them a fish to run off and eat.

"Well it's kahmubly stew. Some meat, veggies, and then--"
You grabbed what seemed to be bread bowls and started pouring the soup into them, putting what looks like a bread top back on.
"You eat them like this in a wheat bowl. Go ahead grab one."

Narti snatched one quickly and practically swallowed it whole.
Her face-- blushed a little? You guessed?
Before she waved and walked away.

Ezor started slurping down the soup and chewing on the sides of it. "So so so good! Oh my gosh thank you!"

Zethrid did less talking and more tearing it to shreds with her mouth like an animal.

When you looked at acxa she was calmly eating it. Her facial expression didn't change. This worried you slightly.
"Acxa do you uh... like it?"
She sighed again before smiling at you. "Yes it's quite good. Not perfect but I'd eat it again."

You exhaled in relief before picking up a tray with two bread bowls on it.

Zethrid finished her food and turned to you "Hey where you goin??"

You smiled and pointed at the tray. "I'm gonna bring some to lotor. Feel free to eat more of the soup. Mine will fill me entirely."

Zethrid and ezor cheered.
"Alright You're the best!!"
And quickly poured themselves some more.

Acxa followed after you. " (y/n)... may we talk?"

You looked over at her and nodded. "Sure of course!!"

Acxa furrowed her brow "I know you and lotor have been... copulating..."

You almost dropped your tray but she grabbed it and held it upright, assisting you.
"I'm not judging. I'm just saying you might wanna consider some things for now.
He's a Prince and while you might be of royal blood his father has to decide whom he can mate with.
Just... try not to get impregnated..
The Empire might slay you for it."

You didn't say anything at first but you understood what she meant.
"Y-yes I know... I'll be careful from now on I promise."
She sighed and nodded.
"Good. Can I see you in the examination room after you eat?
I just wanna check you for anything."

You smiled and went on your way "of course.
I'll see you there."

As acxa went off in the other direction you headed to the command deck where lotor was.
"Surprise! I have some food for us."

He looked over at you a little shocked then smiled softly. "Oh Lord I didn't realize the time. I guess I am a bit famished--"
He walked up to you and looked at what you had.
"What is that-- wheat?"

You looked to the side a bit embarrassed. "Y-yeah.. there's soup in it too. Zethrid and ezor pretty much ate everything else so--
I saved us some."

He clicked his tongue and took one before sitting down. "Those animals.."
He took a bite and he looked surprised.
"My word... this is delicious. Thank you (y/n)."

You giggled and sat on the floor in front of him starting to eat.
You two made little conversation while you ate.

Probably cuz you were busy stuffing your mouths.
But holy heaven's the food was good.

you couldn't help but worry about your examination acxa would give you...

Hopefully nothing too bad would come up.

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