Lies and Slander

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Acxa waited in the med bay for you. Setting up the equipment as she sighed. "Good gods this girl.."
Suddenly the door opened and you walked in. She re-composed herself before turning around with a smile. "Evening (Y/n). let's get you all checked out hmm? please lay on the table."

you scratched your arm before exhaling. laying on the table with your hands at your sides. you were nervous beyond her knowledge.

"Is this going to hurt..?" you ask softly, a bit of quivering in your voice.
Acxa faked a smile best she could and lifted your shirt applying cold cream for the ultra sound. "You'll be fine hun."

she put the tool on your stomach and looked around with it, seeing if she could find anything. After awhile of silence you started to become a bundle of nerves, shaking a little.

acxa stayed completely still with a look of surprise on her face before taking the tool off. you lifted your head as she cleaned the goo off of your stomach. "Did you find anything???"
She shook her head. "No you're fine. I'll just give you a medical shot and send you on your way so you don't feel sick later."

You got up and nodded, she got the needle ready and injected you with something you didn't recognize.
After bandaging it she sent you on your way.
You happily ran off to do something as she stayed behind.

As soon as the door closed she pulled something up on the screen. A photo shot of your unborn child. Little did you know it wouldn't survive after what she had given you. she closed the file and left the room. Much impressed with her handy work.


Lotor was working on something in the pilot hanger waiting to take off for a test flight when you came in.

"Oh! (Y/n) i didn't see you there. Everything alright?" he asked.

You nodded and approached him "Yes but i was wondering if we could... talk perhaps?"
He raised an eye brow before nodding with a serious look and making room for you in the flightier pod.
you climb in after him tucking your wings in.

Soon he takes off and you hesitate to look at him. after a little while he turns his head to you "So-- why don't you need a mask out in space? I never figured that part out."

"Oh well uh-- the air we create around our bodies is a fuel so we can breathe out in space. we can't always do this but we can for as long as we are able."

he pushed his lips together and hummed. "That makes more sense. though... what is it you wanted to tell me?"

you sigh and put your hands in your lap, nodding softly. "Y-yeah... acxa checked me for... things earlier."

He slowed down the ship to a complete stop. "What kind of stuff...?"
She pulled her legs to her chest

"well uh... like a pregnancy test? b-but it was negative so i'm just--" tears started to well up in your eyes, he grabbed you and held you close. You looked at his face in confusion before he flew back to the hanger bay and closed the main door. After landing he takes his helmet off and kisses you deeply.

Your face turns a shade of red as the tears stream down your cheeks. "L-lotor i--"

He puts his forehead on yours and hushes you. "Please... enough of that.
If you.. bore my child i would not be mad.
I would keep you safe and happy. I don't have any children... so when i become emperor--
I will need to have some eventually...
So i wont be mad."

You put your arms around him and sob into his chest as he comforts you. "Sshhh shh... its alright...
How could i ever harm my little star angel... my absolute favorite."

He kissed your forhead and you slowly calmed down sitting up.
He puts a hand on your stomach as you watch in wonder.
"D-do you feel anything lotor?"

He closes his eyes and exhales. "No... not even a heart beat." He leans in and kisses your cheek.
"Dont worry... i'll use protection from now on. I can't believe i let you get in the state you're in. How foolish.."

You giggle starting to feel better. "did you wanna turn in early? We'll be at the hub tomorrow."

He smiled and nodded. "Yes. I have one more thing to check and i'll be right there."

You smiled and kissed him on the lips before climbing out and flying to his room.
Figuring he'd like to sleep in his space tonight.

After about 20 dobashes you got tired and layed your head down falling asleep.

Eventually you felt a hand on your shoulder waking you.
You opened your eyes to lotor barely wearing anything but boxers. He had a tray of food with him as well.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking at the food yawning. "how long was i out..? Are we there yet?"

He chuckled and gave her the tray. "No my dear. Its only been 2 vaga. We'll arive in about 8 vaga."
He took strands of your hair and ran his fingers through them.
Making a pleased sound. "So lovely..."

You blush as you start eating one of the dishes, your wings spread out a bit as you quickly ate.

"Have i excited you princess?" He said with a shit eating grin.

You laugh and rub your cheek. "Perhaps a little. I feel more comfortable with you for some reason."

"In that case (y/n)..." he knelt down to you and held your hand after you set your tray down to the side.
"I know we havent known eachother very long but...
Somewhere in my soul i swear we could have known eachother for eons."

You felt your heart flutter at his words. They were gentle and true.
"I feel the same way... i swore we could have met before all this.. once upon a time."

He kisses your hand and looks back up at you.
"If you feel as i do...
I would be eternally greatful.. if you would take me as your own..and you forever mine."

After saying this he took a royal ring band from his pocket and presented it to you, bowing his head.

You were at a loss for words. Was he serious..?
Did he love you as much as you cared and cherished him?

You swallowed and took the ring band in both hands.
"I will.. my precious prince lotor..
I love you."

He looked up at her and smiled wide, leaning over and kissing her deeply before standing up.
"Then my love we must make haste. I will announce our love at the command hub. Then we will consummate our Union upon our return to the ship."

She blushed and bit her lip. He caressed her cheek. "Dont worry... i know with galra its traditional to breed several times during our consummation.. but i'll be every bit gentle i swear."

You held his hand and sighed "w-what if i end up... with child?"

He kisses your forehead and smiles. "Then you will bare the most important children of the galaxy...
Sadly i must sleep and dress else where until our union is announced. But spend your time sleeping in here alright...?
That way you're more comfortable. I'll go get some preparations started as you sleep my dear."

He got up and left to do other things as you were left with your thoughts and food. Giggling and shoving your face into the pillow before rolling over and looking at the band on your finger.
"He... he really loves me. Eeeehehehe!~"

You sat up and ate as much as you could before passing out.
You'd worry about tomorrow later.
For now... sweet dreams.

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