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You hid.
Hid away like a coward.

With the cargo ship with lotor?
You froze up.
They had lost whatever was left of that ore.
Not only that but they had made ships.

Afterwhich allura told you all of the story between the original paladins of voltron.

How zarkon tricked everyone.
To where they are now.

Your heart ached for allura. You two spent all your time together while you emotionally recovered.
You got most of the story before the paladins even did.

You were surprised she trusted you with that secret.
However you swore to keep it til she told them. Which you did.

You mostly hid out in the castle. Wandering for the most part. Sometimes you got up during sleeping hours to check on everything.

It might be a little weird but you always checked on everyone individually.

Someone was always awake and in the control room. Other than that you didn't do much.
Other than cooking, helping to fix things, cleaning, and healing.

Sometimes when you couldn't sleep you trained physically. You were already pretty good at it.

A few days after lotor let the teleduv slip out of his hands allura finally told them the story of the original paladins along with coran.

Their tale was legendary up until the end. How their entire solar system was wiped out.
The quintessence, as well as everything else.

You held allura close after noticing her fists shake.
You wished you could help more but you simply couldn't.
It frustrated you to no end.

During this time the blade and team voltron decided upon taking back a whole 3rd of the universe.
You did what you could to lift, move, and build.

Today you were passing by keith's room. You stopped. Allura had spoken with him but was brushed off.
He was ignoring his duties as the paladin of the black lion.

You turned on your heel and knocked on the door.
"Keith? I know you're in there. Can i come in?"
You asked.

You heard a sigh and some rustling.
He opened the door, arms crossed.

After what'd just happened you thought he'd need a friend right now.
After not showing up to the coalition for his friends.

"Yes?" Keith asked.

You smiled and stepped in, hugging him.
"Keith... I'm sorry about today and your team mate. I'm glad you made it back to us."

He stiffened up before hugging back.
From his hug you could tell he was touch starved.
He sniffed and you rubbed his back.

"Hey hey.. lets go in. Sit down yeah?"
You spoke.

He nodded and let you in.
You sat down on his bed next to him before hugging him again, stroking his back.
"It's alright keith. You can let it out.."

He sniffled again before crying on your shoulder. Holding you close to him. You didn't realize how strong he want until you were practically in his lap as he held you, sobbing.

You hummed a soft tune for him as you pet his head. After a few minutes he slowly stopped. You held his face and cleaned away the tears.

"Feel better?" You asked.

He nodded "ah.. yeah a little. I just feel like as if I'm abandoning my team. I just... everyone's mad at me."

You shook your head "I'm not mad. Not even a little upset. You're doing what you think is right. But... is that it? Or.. is there another reason?"

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