im so sorry...

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Ive been very sick.

Both physically and mentally...

And im so sorry... you guys deserve this fanfic finished with...

If you guys could say a prayer, send words of encouragement, or best wishes my way i'd be so greatful...

I hope you all can forgive me.


Thank you all so much..
I passed out in tears.

Im in a lot of physical pain so its aggravating my mental illness.
(Its called 'Hypomania: Dipolar disorder type II' if anyone wanted to google it to learn more.)

I have a couple physical illnesses too.
Such as ITP. (Feel free to google that too)

But what was bothering me today was my heart.
I actually have a bad heart (From bad blood pressure caused by over use of steroids during pre-cancer treatment)

And its so nice to have so many loving fans as you all are.
I've never had so many people leaving me their thoughts and kind words.
I'm greatful for each of you.

Something triggered my hearts pusle to beat out of control.
So my balance got wobbly, i had vertigo, and i eventually couldnt hear temporarily.

I cried and passed out after posting this and thought perhaps when i woke up i'd be at the hospital but i turned out okay this time.

Thank you all again for all your kind words.
It brought me extreme comfort.
I can't begin to tell you how large my gratitude is.

Please all of you have a wonderful day.

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