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After you two were situated and presentable you headed to the control area.
They seemed indifferent about meeting you.
Ezor bonded with you right away over your feathers and cute face.
Zethrid slapped you on the back laughing and you went straight into the floor.
Narti didn't say much but you loved the cat.

"OOOHHH! Kitty witty baby sweet heart!" You squealed as you gave all your love to the cat.

Lotor chuckled "Well yes we can see you love the fur ball. Narti takes good care of her."
Narti nodded and hit a few buttons on the console.
Zethrid hit the engine control module and they took off.

Lotor squinted and sat back "Where is acxa? Isn't she here?"
Ezor rose a brow "didn't you know? She's in the training room waiting for you."

Lotor got up and motioned his arm. "Come (Y/n). Time to meet my top general."
You put the cat down and followed after him quickly.

Zethrid smirked after they left "She won't last 5 days here."
Ezor giggled "I think she will! Didn't you hear them last night? So loud." Narti's cat hissed and clawed at them.

Ezor squealed "Hey Narti control your killer kitty!"
Narti shrugged.
(Y/n) struggled to keep up with him on foot. Deciding to fly after him instead. This caused lotor to smirk, he enjoyed watching her glide and flap her wings every so often.

When he got to the training room acxa was training with a robot. Eventually slicing it in half. She commanded the training to be over to the AI and pledged to lotor. "V'repid sa--"

She saw (Y/n) and bore her fangs. "And exactly who do you think you are?
Raising your head to me."

(Y/n) froze in place and bowed her head. Doing her best to copy the pose acxa made.
Lotor squinted and sighed.
"Acxa. You will train her. I can't have the others spilling unnecessary ideas into her head."

She pledged once more. "Yes sire. I won't fail. V'repid sah."
You looked at lotor waiting for further instruction. He furrowed his brow at (y/n).
"Complete your training with in the next movement. You will not leave this ship until you do so. Understood?"

You had a look on your face. This order made your heart sink..however you swallowed and pledged. "V-V'repid sah...sire."

He smiled pleased. Then left.

A sword was flung past you as your cheek was cut, you held it with your hand and looked at acxa.

She growled and picked up another.
"Show me what you can do. Star angel. Or the road ends here."

Her hand glowed and her cut sealed. It would leave a small scar but it didn't matter.
Fight or die... (y/n) knew this well.

You hunched down and spread your wings, activating your razor claws from your battle gloves. Waiting for her attack before she came at you.

The first couple quintents were hard, you wouldn't leave the training room. Wanting to prove your determination.
Only eating what you found in your bags or in the room.

Lotor monitored your progress, as well as ezor, narti, and zethrid.
He was impressed like they were, you could eat and sleep so little but keep yourself up.
You were quite the animal when it came to survival.

After a full movement you ran out of food. With little sleep on your side you struggled to stand during your final training session with acxa.

Your body panicked as your body hit the floor. Your wings released a type of energy wave, knocking acxa into the wall, completely unconscious.
(Y/n) breathed heavily as her wings and claws contracted and passed out on her side.

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