the morning after

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You awoke to him playing with your hair. He was smiling. Enjoying your presence.
"Good morning my lovely wife~"

He said leaning down to kiss you.
You kissed back and moved a bit to stretch.
"Good morning my dear husband~"

He picked you up and set you onto his lap.
"We're going to steal the ore from those paladins today.
How does that sound my loving dear."

You blinked and looked down nodding.
You didn't understand why you couldn't all just get along...
Your heart perhaps was too soft for war.

But that's what this was. Despite getting married.

You traveled to where the rip in space was. A ship half way out.
"What in the universe is that?"

You asked axca wondering.
She pulled up a hologram example.

"According to our research this is a tear in the fabric of reality. Going through will land you in an enitrely different reality."

Ezor went on about dimensions as acxa explained that realitys and dimensions were entirely different.

You felt drawn to the energy as it spilled out. Looking as if you were disassociating entirely.
You flinched when you felt zethrids hand on your shoulder.

"You doin' alright princess?" She said with a concerned look.
You nodded and sighed.
"Yes. I just... feel a little strange."

Narti messed with some buttons and pet kova as you all spoke with eachother.

"Strange how (y/n)?" Lotor asked wanting to know what seemed to be happening.

You walked over and put a hand on the glass that separates you all from the void of space.
"I feel... drawn to that energy. I don't think i can explain it. Thats just how i feel."

The generals had different opinions and spoke with you on them. Not understanding.
You tried your best to explain further but with no avail to convince them how you felt wasnt fabricated.

Lotor rested his hand on his chin. Smiling he made his choice. "Fly over there and check it out for yourself dear."

You had a deadpan expression. "I--alright."
Leaving them to observe further you went to the docks and let yourself out.
Carefully flying near the castle of lions, trying not to be detected.

The light felt...warm. welcoming almost.
They had warned you getting too far in might kill you. However no longer remembering their words of concern you went in anyways.

You flew to the ship sticking out of the portal, landing on it for further inspection.
You were drawn in practically. However with no clue how nor why.

Paladins pov:

It was so strange. She swore you were a dream. However... there you were on the moniter. Trying to break into that altean ship.
Why hadn't you been blown to pieces she wondered.

The rest of the team bickering about who this girl was. Alurra knew. Wanting to say something...

Pidge spoke up "Allura? You look... pale. Are you ok?"

Keith and the rest of them noticed this as well.
"You... do you know this woman allura?"
Keith asked with a bit of spite.

She breathed in and out "I know this might sound weird...but i.. met her in a dream."

Hunk started worrying a bit "Wait what?? Like-- a dream dream?"

Lance chimed in "Yeah. How is that even possible?"

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