whats next

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You awoke to his warm body against yours.
You had always woken up earlier then most. That and you had a nervous bladder so you had to pee like a race horse from earth.
You carefully wiggled away and went to the bathroom, forgetting you didnt have clothing on.

You used the bathroom to your hearts content, finally getting into the shower.
The water that washed over your body was so inviting. You couldn't believe its warmth.
Beats bathing naked in a river.

You didnt hear the sound of the door opening, he poked his head into the shower and saw your bare back.
You had a few scars and the indents where your wings normally emerged.
He stepped in and wrapped his arms around you, causing you to flinch.

"Its quite alright my dear. No need to fear my touch. After all last night was... exquisite."
He smirked and kissed her warm and wet shoulder.

She gulped and opened her mouth to speak. "Lotor i... i thought that was a one night thing.."
His hands roamed her body as he grinned.
"Is that really all you want? I can give you more (Y/n).."
He kissed her neck and she wiggled from his hold.

"Leave me be lotor.. i don't enjoy you playing with me like that."
She held herself and looked down. He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder
"(Y/n) i really do like you. So please... give me a chance?"
She looked over at him, he looked like he could use the warm water and she backed up a bit, now the water was dripping off her face, making her as beautiful this was than squirming under him.

He stepped forward under the water with her, leaning down he gave her a gentle kiss. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed back.
She prayed this wasnt a dream.
That he could change her life, as well as the lives of so many.

He pulled back and grabbed some soap. "Want me to wash your back?" She blushed and turned around, pulling her hair forward. "Yes please.."
She felt shy about this. She had never showered with someone before. She had her mom wash her hair once when she wasn't feeling well, but that was about it.
This level of intimacy was new to her.

She felt relaxed as he scrubbed her back, it was very calming.
Eventually he got lower and squeezed her butt.
She squeeked and he laughed. "Aww. How cute."

She puffed out her cheeks and pouted. quickly getting over it she turned around and kissed him, wrapping her arms around him. "Is it bad i wanna touch you..?"

His lips pressed together before making a smile. Kissing back and sighing contently. "No. Not at all princess~"

She was taken back by this. "But im not--"
He put his thumb over her lip to quiet her. "Let me call you what i want... But for now. You're my princess. Got that?"

She nodded slowly as the water cleaned away the soap on her back.
Their lips touched again as they begun again.

He pushed her up against the wall and lifted her. Legs wrapped around his waist.
Her tongue was fighting but loosing dominance as he pushed his tongue further into her mouth. Grabbing onto her hair and tilting her head back, he begun to suckle and bite on her exposed neck.

"L-lotor s-stop-- someone might--"
She panted.
He growled a little "Might what? Im the prince. I have to mark you as mine or someone might toy with you.. or even pluck your pretty feathers."

Her wings spread out sopping wet as she felt his tip enter her. She let out a gasp. He began attacking her neck and chest in kissing, sucking, and licking of all sorts. Teasing her body.
"Beg~" he coo'd.

She almost cried a little as her voice cracked. "M-my prince please.. please take me."

He laughed a little and tilted his head. "Sorry i couldn't hear you. you want me to pull out?"
She then wiggled and whined louder "P-please! I dont care what you do! You can bruise me down there if you want i just need you inside me please!"
She sniffled a little bit and he licked her bottom lip in approval.
"Right away princess."

He pounded into her hard.
Her back arched a little bit as she loudly cried out. Her pussy felt like it was being filled all the way to the back. Hitting her sweet spot.
He had to hold onto her tightly as her body absolutely shook in pleasure.

He bit into her neck as his thick throbbing cock slid in and out of her clenched, tight, wet 'n warm pussy.
The warm water pouring down on them made it all the better.
The wet slapping sounds grew and echoed across the tile.

Her breasts bounced a little bit with every thrust he made. Which excited him all the more. Her nipples rubbing against his chest with each bounce.
She moaned his name as he slowly came to a stop. "Ugh-- wh-whats that (Y/n)?"

She clawed at him with her short finger nails and cried "n-no dont stop! Im gonna c-cum!"
He smirked and pulled out, before she could protest he lifted her up and started eating her out.

She gripped onto his hair as her wings twiched, her back arched against the cold tile wall, the steam some how not helping as she got her slit attacked with lotors tongue.
He sucked on her clit til it started twitching, then he went lower and licked painfully slow, waiting for her to cry out again.
As her pleas for release reached him he went faster and she came in his mouth.
Her whole body twiched and her wings spread as far out as possible as the sweet fluids dripped off his face, trickling down his well sculpted body and down the drain.

He set her down and all she could do was sit on her knees as she stared off spacing out.
He cupped her cheek and had her look up at him.
"Care to lend me your mouth before we finish up here. You still need to meet my generals."

She grabbed his dick and shoved it into her mouth as much as she could.
This part she was good at but would never tell. It embarrassed her to no end. He used a towel bar on the wall to keep himself up, if she kept doing that he'd cum sooner than--
He moaned out as he came all over her.
She covered her eyes and looked at the mess on her as he panted. "Tsk. Aww sweet girl. I didnt mean to make you all dirty.. but you do that pretty good on your own. Here leme help."

He sat down and started scrubbing himself clean, letting her watch. When he was done he turned to her and smiled softly, using his finger to signal her to face him.
"Come on now. Dont think i forgot about you."

He washed each arm carefully. Getting rid of the sticky mess on them
He took extra time to scrub her breasts, your face was completely red as you made cute lil noises.

After scrubbing your legs he looked at you. "Sit back wont you?" He had that look on his face that indicated he was up to no good.
Then put his hands on your knees after you did as you were told. "Now spread em' like a good girl. We gotta get you clean right there."

You squeaked and tighten your legs together. "Wh-wha?? But thats embarrassing! I-I can clean it.."

He huffed and pulled them apart anyway. "No its dirty." He pinned you down as you squirmed and cried out in embarrassment. "I'll make sure its nice and clean for you princess."
You looked away, too embarrassed by this. You felt every little swipe of the wet cloth, he even stuck his finger in looking for more cum to clean out.

It got to the point you peed a little and that's when he stopped. "Did-- you just pee?" He sighed "oh quiznack. I'm sorry. I didnt mean to go that far. Here." He got up and helped her up, kissing her cheek. "Will you forgive me?" He looked sincere so you nodded.

He smiled and stepped out, wrapping his lower half in a towel. "I'm glad. Now let's get you cleaned up so you can meet my other Generals. They've been wanting to meet you."

You gulped and worried about what would come next, or how much they'd judge you.
The thought made you blush.

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