command hub 45 (During)

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(Art by: RoseyAlchemist03.
Thank you for the art!!)

You slowly awoke to a girls voice.
"Miss? Miss please wake up."
When you opened your eyes the room was filled with pretty girls all in the same outfits.
"You've woken up!
Thank zarkon we were getting worried.
Are you awake enough to prepare your grand reveal?"

You sat up realizing you weren't wearing anything and tried to cover up.
The girls giggled.
"Oh miss (y/n) you won't need silly clothes with us around.
We've been chosen by the prince to prepare you for your engagement announcement.
So we'll need to start right away."

You sat up and let the sheet fall off. "A-alright. I'm assuming we're already at the hub. I wonder why lotor didnt wake me?"

The girls giggled again. "Thats alright. Lotor cant see you until its time. It's just our traditions."

She helped you over to sit in front of the mirror.
"Has he already impregnated you or-?"

Your face turned a bright red as you shook your head. "N-no! I mean... i thought that was the case but.. i was wrong."

The girls comforted you the best they could.
"Thats alright. Once the breeding portion has started you'll be wed so theres no reason for disappointments right away right?"

You nodded, your face still red.
Another girl chimed in while starting to do your hair.
"Is he good in bed? I heard he was better than anyone but i just wanted to know."

They all looked at you eager for details.
"Y-yes he is... we even did it in the shower once.
Even tho that was completely embarrassing."

They all squeeled and continued to talk with you as they got you ready.
After a few hours you couldn't believe who you saw was you.

You touched your face as you looked into the mirror. "Is- that really me?"

The rest ofthe girls left but one staued behind and took your hand. "Yes. You're beautiful. Lotor see's that and i hope you do too now. "

You nodded and stood up, letting her guide you out of the ship. Your hair practically flowing behind you.

Your wings were glittered and brushed wonderfully.
The oil they used made them shine in the light.

As she lead you to what seemed like a platform lift you clutched her hand. "Thank you.. i'll never forget it."

She smiled and bowed. "Vrepid sa." Then left down the hall.
You heard cheering and talking above you, as well as lotors voice.

Suddenly the lift statted going up. You stayed in your position and smiled closing your eyes.
Yes you were nervous but that was okay.
When the light touched your face you slowly opened your eyes, there were screens, multiple garlra, and then you saw him.

Lotor was in his nicest armor. He looked like a Prince from a fairy tale with his hair up like that.

He took your hand and lead you forward.
"She will be--
Your future princess of our empire!!!"

They all cheered as it seemed. You looked upwards and saw zarkon looking down at you, but he didn't move.
You wondered if it was really him.

Lotor face you and you turned to face him.
"Now my bride. Will you uphold the laws and ways of the galra to the best of your abilitys?"
His voice was enough for the crowed to hear.
So you raised yours a bit as well.

You nodded your head and smiled. "Yes. I will!"

"And will you. Will all your might, lead this empire instead, until a time our future children can lead their own, if something were to happen to the crown of the galra?"
He smirked at you.
You could tell he was excited for what comes after this.

"I will!"
You declared.

Lotor leaned in a bit.
"Then i announce you my wife to be.
Forever to hold, cherish, and rule with.
For the galra empire!"

Then he kissed you, wrapping his arms around you.

You giggled happily and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, being lifted up and spun around as people came down and offered you two gifts of congratulations.

Eventually you two made your way back to the ship. Arm in arm.

"So where do we go from here... husband."
Your cheeks turned red at the word.

He tskd you and booped your nose. "Now now my bride. We arent complete yet until we consummate us.~"

You swallowed and nodded.

He chuckled at your cuteness and lead you down the hall of the ship.
"The nextplace we'll go is central command.
I believe you should see my father.
As well as meet that old haggar.
She didn't give us much of a choice."

You smiled and kissed his cheek as you got to the door.
His face was a little surprised before he smirked down at you. "You cant wait can you?"

Then he grinned and picked you up, going into the room and tossing you onto the bed.
"Well neither can i you bad little girl~"

((Get ready for a full chapter of smut. Hahaha)))

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