Take a seat

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You hadn't expected this. Your kind was known for flight as well as using your bodys energy to create air around you.

Peaceful mostly but will fight for what they believe in.
Some called them the angels of the stars. Now they rarely left their home planet.

You were born from an important family in the capital.
The galra had slautered them all, hunted them like dogs. Except you.
You were the only one left to take command. You weren't even sure you could.

Walking behind lotor you looked at his broad shoulders.
You could tell by his energy flow life was hard on him but he still stood tall.

(Y/n) hoped that lotor could guide her to properly rule as their grand commander, until the age she proves herself queen.
She stopped in her tracks looking down as the door to the main area of the ship opened.

Lotor turned around and smirked. "I assure you you'll grow to like it by my side. It has its perks in the end. So don't look so down."

She lifted her head "Oh! Right its not that i--" and followed him in quickly.
He stopped and she bumped into him.
"Oh crud..! I-I'm sorry princ--"

He looked out of the window and down at her capital.
His smile faded.
"Tell me. Are you not the youngest of your line?"

She blinked, confused why he would want to even know. "Y-yes i.. i am.
My sisters were killed by the galra..
My brother took the thrown without becoming a commander first and was killed by someone in the crowd."

She grabbed the side of her arm and squeezed. Talking without faulter about something like this was hard.
But what could she do? She was under his leadership now.

He turned around and grabbed her shoulders "(Y/n).. please understand. I believe in a galaxy that rules together under one greater leader. So bare with me. I will make you a strong commander your people will be proud of." Then took her hands and kissed them.

She blushed and looked away. "You seem to know alot.. may i ask your story?"

He chuckled and let go of her, heading to his thrown like chair and sitting. Resting his cheek on his fist before frowning.
"My father believed I was too inexperienced to be his top general in the empire. So he had me banished for me to learn a lesson. I gathered my team and now i'm here before you."
Then looked to the ground thinking.

She stepped forward closer to him, her hands interlocked with eachother.
"I'm sorry my prince... that must have been hard for you. I always thought you were showered in gifts and what not. I hope we get to know one another more as we go on."

He looked back at her "oh come now. Just cuz im a prince doesnt mean i'm any different than you.. and please, call me lotor." His smirk returned and he looked to the other side.

(Y/n) watched him, wondering what was on his mind. "Lotor? What is i--"

"Nightcap with me (Y/n)." He looked back her. Looking her straight in the eye. His body language not faltering.

Her lower stomach burned, like when you eat your favorite food but.. lower.
Her cheeks became rosy again as she gulped. "N-nightcap? B-but... wouldn't you-?"

He shook his head "I wont get in trouble. No on has to know. I just.. want to know you better. What do you say? Pleasure your prince?"
He waited for your answer as you swallowed again.

After a few seconds of silence (Y/n) stepped forward, climbing into lotor's lap. Her hands on his chest.

He chuckled and put his hands on her hips. "Well now. You're obedient. I like that." He sighed contently before kissing her.

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