Team Voltron

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You woke up to a knock at your door.
Luckily you had already gotten up an hour before hand.
Fixing your hair a bit before saying- "come in!"

Shiro, of all people, entered your room. "I hope i'm not interupting your rest. I just wanted to meet you and see how things are."
He smiled softly.

He... kind of reminded you of lotor but there was no air of threat about him.  He gave himself a hair cut too.
You swung your legs over the bed and then scooting over, you patted the spot next to you.

Might as well let him sit down.
"You're not interupting anything.
You can sit if you'd like. I'm sure you have questions."

He smiled "Yeah. I mean the gang told me you helped while i was gone so--
I just wanted to thank you as well."

He then sat down next to you.
You smiled back, scratching your neck "Well i mean i did what i could. Which wasnt much."

He shook his head "No. I think you've done more than you think. I can't believe how badly in shape i was. Without you i might not have gotten better.
Speaking of which..." he trailed off "Where does your power come from?"

You were silent for a moment. You still werent sure.
"I still dont know. I tried a few more times to do the same thing again but it didn't happen.
Maybe it was just a fluke..."

He put an arm on your shoulder "It wasn't a fluke. As long as you're staying with us we'll figure it out together."

This made you smile. With lotor you didn't have team work. It was just you and him...figuring it out.

Even with how he treated missed him.
You didn't realize it but tears were going down your face.

Shiros face was filled with sympathy as he picked you up and held you.
Only when he did this did you realize you were crying.
You gripped onto his shirt and sobbed quietly.

He stroked your back as you cried. "Sshhh shh shshh... it's ok hun... you've had it so hard..
You lost both your unborn were abandoned...caged....abused...
But you're safe now. We've got you.
We will never abandon you. Alright?"

Your sniffled face was wet from fluids. He grabbed a handkerchief and helped clean your face, you blew your nose and nodded.

"Thank you shiro... I'm happy you're okay now." You hugged and snuggled into him.

He smiled from how cute you were. Resting his chin on your head. "I can't believe lotor would let a cute little thing like you be treated badly."

You got immediately flustered and flapped your wings violently.
Then you fell back onto your butt.

He laughed and got up. Then gave you a hand to pull you back up.
"Well now that you've got a pep in your step lets go see the others yeah?"

You smiled and agreed with him.
Afterwards he walked you to where everyone else was.
The conversation was quiet pleasent.

When you arived to the control room shiro thanked them all for keeping up the fight against the galra.

"I'm glad you all never lost sight of the mission while i was gone."
Shiro said full of pride.

"Wow! You and (y/n) are lookin' better. How are you feeling?" Lance asked happy to see him.

"Good. I've got a weird headache but i think i'll be fine." Shiro responded.
You pat him on his shoulder with a smile.
"You'll be better in no time once we get something to eat." You told him.

Pidge pointed her finger up "Hold up on the food! I think i have something here!"

They quickly gathered around pidge's chair.
You felt a little warry to join them at first...but you did so anyway, standing a bit behind allura.

"I untied the quantum-folded encryption and i found something on lotor." Pidge exclaimed.

You felt your heart sink.
Could you really stand to face him again?

Keith looked at you with concern as allura held your hand to comfort you.
Keith then furrowed his brow and looked back at pidge.
"Do you know where he is?"
Keith asked.

Pidge made a face.
"No but the last three sightings of his command ship have been in the Va'Kar quadrant."

Shiro nodded "Nice work pidge." Then looked to you and allura.
"Although, those quadrants are massive. How will we pinpoint his location?"

Hunk made a sound before looking to shiro "Hey, that comet is made from the same material as voltron. Maybe i can scan the emission spectrum for Fraunhofer lines, like when i found the blue lion!" He said excitedly.

"But you know those emissions are subject to free induction decay. Those are exponential drop-offs." Pidge said.

"Yeah but if you could amplify the sensors then--
No, there'd still be way too much interference. What if instead we increased the SA magnitude?" Hunk asked.

Pidge's brows raised "The spires of the castle!!"
They both then high fived and ran off to do their work.

Lance shrugged "I have no idea what either of them just said."

"Let's set a course for the Va'Kar Quadrant while they get started on that detector. We need to work fast. Who knows what his plans are." Shiro said before looking at you.

You were worried, anyone could tell from the way you were clutching onto allura's arm.
Lance placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey don't worry pretty thang. Lotor comes anywhere near you and i'll--" then he started making sounds and fake karate moves. Shooting poses too.

Keith stepped closer to you "Don't worry. We'll keep you safe."

Allura held you close as you nodded and watched lance do his thing.
Corran even started doing martial art moves.

It was funny to watch him do that. Even made you smile.
You just wished you werent so worried.

Author's note:

Thank you for reading everyone!!
And merry christmas!
(Or hanukkah or whatever u celebrate)

Thank you for reading everyone!!And merry christmas!(Or hanukkah or whatever u celebrate)

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This drawing is for one of my biggest fans PhoenixFox!!

Also wanted everyone to know that there will be a little allura and shiro shipping with the reader possibly in the next few chapters.
I'm sorry if that upsets you but sit back and try to enjoy it.

Merry christmas and happy new year!!

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