the mourning after

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All you could hear was panicking and crashing.

Yelling and what not. Lights blaring.
You couldn't help it.
You bit into your wrist til you bled out.
Like a murder scene in a movie.
You heard you heart pounding in your ears.

Was someone performing cpr on you??
You couldn't tell.
After a few tiks you felt warm. You were standing straight up.
Though this didn't bother you one bit.

You slowly fell back into that dream world you had met allura in.
No one was there.
It was like the ground was covered in water this time.
Everything was black.
You looked around for something.
Eventually setting your eyes on two small grave points.

Touching it a text appears

"Life can be taken before even first given.
The lives of these two were short but loved.
In sorrow we remember those loved before coming into this life."

You didn't fully understand. You walked away from this sight. Looking for anything else.

Suddenly the memory was shown before you. One of acxa injecting you. Looking at the image of...
An unborn child...


The world of darkness around you began to shake as you fell to your knees.
It took a little while but you began to cry out for help.
Or anyone to come find you.

"Somebody..? Anybody??"

You held your stomach and apologized profusely.
Hearing watery footsteps behind you, before stopping and kneeling down to hold you.

Allura was whispering comforting words and apologizes to you as you continued to cry.

"Shh shhh... it's ok...its ok hun."
She pet your messy hair.

You were practically skin and bones at this point.
You tried to break through your hopeless sobbing.

"B-but...why was there two?? How could there have been two????
I-I only saw one allura!!"
You grabbed her, pleading for an answer.

She swallowed and exhaled a bit "it... seemed like after the first one... your body ovulated immediately...for some reason...and... you were pregnant again.
But... you never ate any of the foodwe gave you and... maybe from the energy rays of that worm hole just...just..."

Your whole body shook at you screamed with your mouth shut. Crying so hard you could break something.
But you didnt wanna do anything...
This hurt too much.

She held you and thought of altea... the darkness whooshed away into the flower feild she used to see with the memory ai of her father when she first woke up.

After a long time you stopped crying.
Looking around at the beautiful feild.

"What...what is this place?"
You asked curiously. Sitting back a bit.

Allura smiled. "This was my home. Altea...
Would you like to hear about yours..?"
She asked hopefully.

You nodded and began to clean your face up a bit with your hands.

"Lotor didn't keep his promise... your people continued to starve. Hurt eachother for the entertainment of the galra...
We stepped in.
It took about an earth week however. Now everything is okay.."
She placed a hand on your shoulder.
"You're going to be okay (y/n). I'm so sorry about all this...
You didn't deserve it.
Please... won't you come with us?"

You nodded and sniffled. Ultimately relieved by the fact your people werent suffering as before. You gave her a big hug.
"Thank you. Thank you SO much allura.. i-i don't know what to say besides that.
I'm sorry, i'm so sorry."
You babbled on about everything that happened with lotor.
Keeping the really dirty parts censored.

You just explained what generally happened. Apologizing again and again asking her to forgive you.

Allura smiled and hugged you back. "(Y/n) you've got nothing to be sorry for...
You did what you think was best.
That's all anyone can ask for in a leader."

After the time past by, the two of you spoke more about happier things.
Laughing and having genuine smiles on your faces. You felt...


"Do you think... lotor actually loved me..?" You asked softly.

Allura pondered a bit before responding. "I don't know...if he does have proof. It'll be when he gives up on the galra.
I can't think of something more romantic than a man chasing after his wife, even betraying his kingdom.
But... are you sure it wasnt forced?"
She asked.

You shook your head. "N-no. I did like i said yes.
He was kind to me. Unlike zarkon.
But you're right... he'll have time to prove if he's really on my side right?"
You smiled and layed back in the feild of flowers.

Laughing and talking about boys/girls.
To her it didn't matter either way. Thats how alteans were.

You weren't sure how you were... never given a choice really.

But you prayed in the end your choice would be lotor.

At this moment the two of you didn't realize it.
But somewhere on an ice planet shiro had managed to escape there.
Getting back onto a galra ship to try to find you all.

You continued to sleep. Your body extremely damaged.
However... you weren't always alone.
Allura would visit you every night and you felt the presence of paladins when she wasn't with you. Only every so often though.

You couldn't wait to wake up and meet the people who had all taken you under their wing.

How greatful you were.
Lotors pov:

"What?!" He yelled smashing a counter to bits.

Acxa stepped back into a wall "I-I was doing what was best for you sir!"

He picked her up by her hair and threw her through the door. It smashing from the impact.

Acxa coughed up some blood before looking up at him.
"Sir ple-- OOF."

he stomped on her head. Giving her a concussion.
"You will never be forgiven...
I've lost my unborn young. My WIFE. And now the loyalty of my FINEST GENERAL.
Leave. You are now a targeted enemy. If i ever see you again you will die."
He then kicked her limp body into the docks.
Finally getting her there.
He forced her into a pod and hit eject.

Sending her out into space.

He paced unsure of what to do next. Unknowing to the fact he lost the trust of his other generals.
As they begun a plot to take him out or worse.

Hagar. Recently aware of most of his plans. Didn't yet know he was mining the ore.
With zarkon recently revived...

Everyone had little time to figure out their situations..
And where they stood.

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