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"Five minutes before we want everyone sitting in their places!" the director calls into the room where we've been getting ready.

I hear the stylist who's doing my hair's breathing quicken (I keep trying to remember her name but, for the life of me, I can't) and her hands start to move faster.

"Don't worry, you'll get it done," I say in what I hope is a bright and reassuring tone.

About half the members start to move into the room where we'll be filming our comeback countdown livestream, while half remain getting finishing touches applied to their hair or makeup or fixing something with their outfits. Suddenly, Mashiho's face appears right in front of mine and I almost jump out of my skin. How does he keep doing this?

"Do you think my hair looks a little better?" he asks, anxiety written all over his face.

I analyse the hair; he's been given a side parting and some gel and it looks a lot different to what it did yesterday. I thought it looked good before, but this is even better.

"It looks great, Mashi," I say honestly, no teasing. He looks so stressed. "I think you've just single-handedly saved the comeback."

He gives me a smile that doesn't meet his eyes and starts to walk out, but he still looks so nervous that I gently place my hand on his arm to stop him.

"Hey," I look directly into his eyes, which now look even bigger and more beautiful than usual because of the makeup. "It's going to be okay, I promise."

He takes a deep breath and nods. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry if I made you worried yesterday."

I shake my head and smile, still holding onto him.

"Your hair is done," the stylist says relievedly, coming round to the front of me to take a look at it before nodding in approval.

"Thank you," I tell her before jumping up out of my seat and slinging my arm around Mashiho's shoulders as we walk into the room where we'll film. I don't know if it's because of our height difference, but hugging him or putting my arm around him always feels so natural; he slots into me perfectly like a puzzle piece. If dying after practice is the part I like the least about my job, then being able to be affectionate with Mashiho comfortably like this might just be one of my favourite things about it.

Twelve chairs have been set up around a long white table with our albums and some piles of questions placed on it. I see a chair with my name written on a slot of paper on it straight away on the end, and can't help but feel a little disappointed when I don't see Mashiho's name on any chair near me. He slips out from under my arm to go find his chair, which is on the opposite end of the table. Oh well.

Before I sit down, I catch a look at myself in a monitor. Not a hair out of place, makeup heavy enough to hide any imperfection and make me look as much like an anime character as possible while still not being too obvious, and clothes coordinated with the rest of the group that look nothing like what I'd actually wear. Idol Junkyu, activated.

I turn back around to go to my seat and see Jeongwoo sitting down in the chair next to it.

"Jeongwoo!" I say cheerfully, plopping myself down next to him and gripping him by the shoulders. "You get to sit next to me today! Isn't that great?"

He grimaces in an overly fake smile. "Uh huh. I'm very excited."

I shake him from side to side, making my voice as loud and annoying as possible and holding back laughter. "Junkyu and Jeongwoo, Kyu and Woo, J and J, the superior duo!"

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