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I'm buzzing when I shut the door to the practice studio behind me and Doyoung after the meeting. The rush I feel now, about to see and continue the choreography that Junkyu's been making for me, is even better than what I feel making the choreography for Loud. The staff are all so flustered with the Junkyu situation that it was easy to convince the choreographers to ditch Loud for today, and Doyoung straight away took me to the practice room, knowing what I wanted to do instead.

"You really could've just sent the video to me," I tell him. "I could've learnt it on my own."

Doyoung flashes me his classic charming smile. "But I wanted to teach you, because teaching you will give me a sense of superiority."

This causes me to stomp on his foot as he takes his phone out to open the video, but he barely even flinches.

"You know," he says before playing it, "I've never seen Junkyu this invested in a project before, not even with his music. When he first told me he was going to choreograph a dance, I expected him to give up about ten seconds in, but he's worked so hard. He's been incredibly determined to get this as good as it can possibly get for you."

Then he winks at me and I'm not sure why.

"I guess we'll have to give it an amazing finish then, won't we?" I say, putting an arm around his shoulders. "But are you sure you don't have things to do with Yedam?"

He nods. "I'm sure. Yedam and I finished ages ago. We just practise every now and then to make sure we don't lose it. He's just been helping out others with stuff lately, I think. For Loud and other unit songs."

"Imagine being that organised," I mumble, and his shoulders rise proudly before he presses play on the video.

From the very first moment, I'm transfixed. I had a rough idea in my head of what the choreography for Curse could look like, I'd even brainstormed a few moves myself before I even knew this was a thing, but nothing, nothing in my wildest dreams could ever have compared to this. The tension is so fierce that I can feel it dripping out of the screen and trailing all the way down my body. The way they move is black, midnight blue, deep purple and bright red all at once. I've always thought Junkyu was great at moving his body, but this is by far the best I've ever seen him dance. My eyes are glued to his body as he moves gracefully yet passionately across the space with a burning intensity in his eyes. There's one move, towards the end, that takes my breath away. Doyoung leaps up onto Junkyu, wrapping his legs and arms around him, before arching his back seemingly effortlessly, but in a way I know would hurt like hell, and letting his arms hang to the ground, his knuckles weightlessly grazing the floor as Junkyu spins him around in a circle with his hands supporting him. Then Doyoung draws himself back up, putting both hands behind Junkyu's head as they're both side on to the front, and there's a moment of intimacy that makes my heart lurch strangely before Junkyu throws Doyoung off him in such a way that looks aggressive, but is actually perfectly calculated.

"It's incredible," I breathe when the video ends.

Through the screen I watch Doyoung come up to the camera to turn it off, panting, while Junkyu collapses on the floor behind him, and I'm taken out of my trance with a wave of guilt at what they've gone through just to surprise me.

"Pretty damn good, if I do say so myself," Doyoung says smugly. "Now, let's get to work. You'll have to be patient with me because I've never done Junkyu's part before, but I'll figure it out. I'll let you be Mashiho."

I smirk. "Fitting, since I am Mashiho."

"Oh shut up. Right, so first off I want you to stand over there..."

I turn all my focus to learning the choreography, pushing all other thoughts out of my mind as Doyoung guides me through every painstakingly detailed section, and I can't believe how complicated it is. It looked so effortless on video. Half an hour into our practice and my whole body is screaming. But Junkyu did this for me, so I'm going to do this for him.

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