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One day, when Hyunsuk and Mashiho are heading into the agency early before our group things in the evening, I say I want to go as well to use some of the equipment. This is another lie. I want to go in to use the practice room (which I really hope will be empty) to start working on some choreography for Curse.

I know that Mashiho wants it, and I know the song suits it, and he's always trying to give me more confidence, so I want to prove to him that his encouragement isn't going to waste, step out of my comfort zone and do this. The only issue is I have no idea how to choreograph, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I want to figure it out. I need to keep myself busy to ignore the burning feelings inside me that threaten to engulf me every day that goes by.

On the car ride over there with the two of them, I can tell Hyunsuk's noticed that something has changed. I think he started paying more attention since he saw us in bed together that morning. And he doesn't even know that Mashiho's been sleeping in my bed every night since. I'm sure he'll want to talk to me about it eventually, but for now he's just quietly observing. It makes me anxious. And very self-conscious. Mashiho just continues being his normal, adorable, bubbly self though. So much so that I'm too busy smiling like a fool thinking about the cute things he was doing and saying in the car that I forget to listen outside before throwing open the door to the practice room, and get a fright when I see Doyoung and Yedam already in there, Doyoung sitting at the keyboard set up in the corner and Yedam on the bench with a microphone in hand.

"Hey Junkyu, what are you doing here?" Doyoung asks cheerfully.

Yedam smiles at me but doesn't say anything; he's been acting funny ever since I saw him crying that one time. I think he's embarrassed, and every time I see him I'm torn between wanting to ask him what was wrong and feeling like I should just give him space.

"I... um... I..." Oh, screw it. It only has to be a surprise for Mashiho. "I actually came to try and work on some choreography for mine and Mashiho's song."

"Really? That's so cool!" Doyoung's whole face lights up. "We were actually just about to leave, but I can stay and help you if you want. Or if you want to do it alone that's fine."

I breathe a sigh of relief, feeling eternally grateful that I told them. Having Doyoung help would be amazing.

Again, I don't feel like the hyung. "Are you sure? You really don't have to."

"Yeah, of course! I was sad that mine and Yedam's didn't have any choreography, but I can live vicariously through you."

Yedam snaps his head around to look at Doyoung. "I thought you said you didn't want it! If you want then we can—"

"Relax, I don't want it for ours because it doesn't suit the song. The piano thing is much better," Doyoung assures him.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Yedam says, standing up and putting the microphone back in its spot.

"Oh, and could you guys not tell Mashiho about this? I want it to be a surprise," I say, walking further into the room as Yedam walks out.

Doyoung grins. "That's fun. We won't tell him."

Once Yedam leaves, Doyoung asks me if I have any ideas. I say no. He's unfazed by this and asks to hear the song, so I plug my phone into the speakers we have set up and let what we have play throughout the studio. I realise this is the first time I've shown the full song to anyone other than Mashiho, and it feels weird.

"This," Doyoung says after he finishes listening, a huge smile breaking out on his face and a mischievous look in his eyes, "has the potential for some extremely sexy choreo."

At first I laugh, and so does he, which is misleading, because as it turns out he's dead serious. We end up spending almost the entire day working on it, and I keep telling him sorry and that he doesn't have to stay because I'm sure he has other things to do, but he insists he's having fun. I have no idea how I would have done this myself and I'm incredibly relieved that he's here, because that means he can act as Mashiho. He even tries to get me to do some lifts and other stunt-like things with him, but I'm not very good. By the end of our session, though, we've drafted about thirty seconds and I know that with practice it'll actually look really cool. I'm sweaty and panting and generally a mess, but I don't feel like Dead Junkyu. I think about how excited Mashiho will be when he finds out what I've done, and I think about doing this intimate choreography with him, and I feel very much alive.

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