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Jump. Smile. Left. Back. Down. Up.

Two rehabilitation-filled months after I get off my crutches, my leg is one hundred per cent healed. We've barely had any performances between me breaking my leg and now, but I've hated sitting on a chair and sticking out like a sore thumb in the ones we've had to do, the members struggling to make the dances look natural without me in them. I'm so excited not to have to sit to the side anymore, however getting back into practice after such a long time off has been excruciating— I'd gotten used to a life of not pushing my body to its limit every day. However, the Loud choreography is actually much less physically draining than our last comeback, which I thank Mashiho every day for. This is one of the ones I can do without immediately collapsing afterwards every time! My favourite kind of choreo.

"Okay, again, let's go," Jihoon says as soon as we end our practice of it.


Just because I'm not on the floor doesn't mean I'm ready to do it again straight away.

"Give us a minute, Jihoon," Jaehyuk pants, putting his hands on his knees.

To my right, Yoshi stumbles into the wall.

"We've already done it a million times today," Haruto whines.

Jihoon puts his hands on his hips and stares them down. "Our concert is in two weeks! So look alive!"

Jeongwoo groans and sinks into the floor, looking decidedly not alive.

"How about just one more go now and then we break?" Mashiho suggests.

Although even Mashiho looks exhausted, he has this glow in his eyes that he gets whenever we practise Loud. I can tell he's so proud and happy to have contributed so much to it, and he's always telling me how amazing it is watching us learn the choreography he created. My heart swells with pride whenever I dance it.

Hyunsuk nods. "Good idea, and after that we can do that unit song showcase we talked about."

Right, today we're all going to show each other our completed unit performances. Even though it's definitely not easy choreography, I think practising Curse with Mashiho is the only time I've actually genuinely looked forward to dancing. I find myself being grateful to Doyoung for insisting on making it so intimate, because it sends sparks flying in my chest every time. With this thought in mind, I pull myself together and muster all my energy to do Loud once more. When we finish, I sit with Hyunsuk, Mashiho and Yoshi on the floor as we take a break.

"Hey Yoshi, I'm staying at your dorm tonight," Hyunsuk says. Yoshi raises his eyebrows. "I've been wanting to talk to Yedam and get him to tell me what's wrong for, like, months, but it's hard to get him alone. I thought I could try by doing this. I've convinced Junghwan to switch with me, so he'll be staying with you guys." He gestures towards me and Mashiho.

I glance over at Yedam, who just happens to be sitting and talking to Asahi. My heart pangs at the look in his eyes. We haven't spoken about it since that one day at my dorm when he was sick, but I've been making an effort to talk to him more and give him random hugs and things to let him know I'm still looking out for him. 

"I've been trying to talk to him as well." Yoshi looks at Yedam too. "But he keeps escaping."

"Do you think there's something really horrible happening?" Mashiho asks the question directly to me, looking at me with big eyes that give me butterflies.

I put a hand on Mashiho's knee and look at Hyunsuk. "He's spoken to me about it, and I think he'll be okay. He made me promise not to tell anyone else, though," I let them know, and intend on keeping that promise.

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