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Someone has opened the fiery gates of hell and thrown me right in.

"Shiho. Shiho! Shihoshihoshihoshihoshiho-"

No. I just want to sleep. Stop it stop it stop it stop it.

"Shiho, come on, how long are you gonna make me do this?"

There's an easy solution. Just stop.

And now I'm being shaken back and forth, back and forth.

"Wake uuuuuuuuuuuuuup!" Jihoon whines directly into my ear, and it's this that finally gets me to reluctantly open my eyes and shove him off. He grins triumphantly. "About time."

I don't know if I'm disoriented, but it feels like nighttime. So I'm in my bed. But I'm being woken up. Nothing makes sense and I was having a really nice dream but now I've already forgotten it. I just know it was good.

"What time is it?" I croak, rubbing my eyes.

"Ten," Jihoon says, then adds; "p.m."

"The hell-" I start to protest, but then it all comes rushing back to me.

The meeting a few days ago saying we were going to start Treasure Map shooting again to try to get more attention. Being told yesterday that our first episode would be at an amusement park late at night when it was supposed to be shut, but we were able to get in. Because booking it out was too expensive, and we didn't want other people there. So that must be why Jihoon is performing the ungodly act of waking me up right now. It's amusement park time. I remember being really tired all day today, so tired that Yoshi suggested I take a nap before we leave. So that's why I was asleep.

Stupid idea. Now I'm just grumpy and feel even more tired.

Jihoon has to physically drag me out of bed for me to get up, and I don't know how he does it because right now my body is as heavy as stone. I don't notice him leave, but he must, because now I'm changing clothes, on autopilot, and he's not here. And now I'm checking my reflection and yikes I look like a mess. I find myself next in the bathroom, trying to fix myself up. And now Haruto is calling my name and saying we need to leave so I'm scrambling to the door. And now Asahi is thrusting a to-go cup of coffee into my hands and I don't know how he acquired it but it makes my hands warm and tastes like energy.

After the coffee things in my brain go a lot more smoothly. Events link together rather than being stranded on their own, so for the whole car trip I am aware of the night shooting by out the window with the relaxed chatter of the members as the background music.

"Shiho, are you alive?" Jihoon asks.

"Mm? Yeah, I'm good," I say, then clear my throat- my voice is still a little croaky.

"I'm sorry I suggested you take a nap," Yoshi says sympathetically from where he sits next to me. "You seem worse now.

"No, no, I'm fine!" I assure him. "I was just out of it when I woke up."

"You're always out of it when you wake up," Jihoon says. "Why am I always the one that has to wake him up?"

"Hey, I've done it loads of times!" Asahi pipes up from the back.

"Literally two days ago you said if he doesn't wake up with his alarm then we should just leave him," Jihoon counters.

"What?" I turn to face Asahi and stare at him with a look of deep betrayal.

He stares me dead in the eyes, but the hint of a smile plays on his lips. "I thought it would teach you a lesson."

"We're here!" Doyoung announces just as the car starts rolling to a stop.

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