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"Shiho, look!" Hyunsuk comes bounding up to me where I sit on the couch at our dorm, jumping down on it with such force my phone nearly goes flying out of my hands as he shoves his laptop in my face, eyes alight. "I just got an email with some of our figures from the two weeks since our album release, and look! It's doing amazing!"

I've never seen one of these figures emails things myself, so I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking at, but I do know that I'm seeing a lot of massive numbers. Everything lightens and brightens as I look at the screen and then back at Hyunsuk, who looks like he's about to explode with joy.

"Have we ever had numbers like this before?" I ask even though I know the answer.

He shakes his head. "Absolutely nothing like it."

I carefully put the laptop aside, then throw myself onto him. He hugs me back tightly, laughing. "It's because of you, Shiho. Loud is your baby. And if it weren't for you and Junkyu and your silly little fanfiction, none of this would have happened."

"And if it weren't for you, Treasure would have gotten nowhere," I insist, squeezing him tighter.

Then he breaks away from me, and glances over my shoulder. "Junkyu, come sit here for a second!"

Junkyu appears, flopping down next to me on the couch and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I've been talking with the agency," Hyunsuk says, looking at us both with barely contained glee, "and they think that because of the success of both Loud and Curse, both of you should start being more involved in the song-making process."

My breath catches, and I feel Junkyu's arms tense around me.

"What?" he asks softly. "Really? They want... they want me to help make our music? Like our actual music? After all this time?"

Hyunsuk beams. "They finally agreed with me that you're extremely talented, yes. And both of you have made them think that involving members in making choreography might be a good move, too, since the fans are all over the choreography for Curse and Loud."

I can hardly believe what I'm hearing. Before this comeback, I'd never been involved at all in the behind the scenes stuff. It was never really something I'd thought about much, but participating in this made me think about how amazing it would be to always be like that. I never imagined the agency would actually want me to, though. But on top of my own excitement is my happiness for Junkyu— he's been waiting so long for this, and there's no one who deserves it more.


Later that night, I'm lying on my side, facing Junkyu in bed, and telling him how proud I am of him.

"I'm more proud of you, I bet," he says with a wink. I wish I could turn the lights on to see him better. "I keep waiting for the excitement and hype to come crashing down, but it just doesn't. Like, not a day has gone by where we haven't been trending on Twitter. Then again, it has only been two weeks since release."

"It won't come down," I tell him, because that's what I feel deep, deep within my soul. "Well, maybe we'll stop trending on Twitter every day, but I don't think the sudden popularity will die. I think we've really done it this time."

He reaches his hand over and brushes some of my hair out of my eyes, then as his hand is trailing back down his fingers pass along my chest, and I realise one of the buttons on my pyjama top has come undone. Then he squints his eyes to look at where his hand just was.

"Do you have a scar there or something?" he asks.

"Oh, yeah," I open up my top a bit more to show him, although it's probably still hard to see in the minimal light. "Just a little one. I fell off my bike as a kid and kind of got impaled by a barbed wire fence."

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