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Doyoung and I have now completed two and a half minutes of the Curse choreography, and I must admit, Co-Choreographer Junkyu is a more fun Junkyu to be than I originally thought it would be. Doyoung's come up with most of it, but as we've continued I've started thinking of more ideas to add, and I definitely don't feel like Useless Junkyu since he can't do a two person dance on his own. And frankly, I'm in better shape than I have been in a while, because we've also been practising lots for a special music show performance coming up soon where we'll be performing a few of our songs. Doyoung and I have been chipping away at Curse whenever we can, but unfortunately we've now had to move into a less than ideal practising space of one of the smaller vocal training rooms, because Mashiho and our choreographers are using the Treasure practice room for Loud, but I think they're almost done. Which is why we have to work quickly— once Loud has been choreographed, we're going to have to spend all our time learning it.

"Junkyu, I think it's time," Doyoung says as he listens to the next portion of the song that we need to choreograph.

I wipe sweat off my forehead and take a swig from my water bottle. "For what?"

Doyoung plays the part again, a few seconds of near silence with nothing but a heartbeat. "For an extremely sexy inclusion."

I choke on my water.

"Listen, listen! I've been thinking of this for ages, I reckon I wrap my legs around your waist, you hold me up with one hand on my back and one hand on my ass and—"

"Stop!" I cut him off, backing up against the furthest wall which really isn't that far away, and holding my hands up in protest. "No extremely sexy inclusions!"

"You shouldn't have made a song with such high sexual tension, then. It begs for it," Doyoung insists.

"I'm not doing sexy moves with you, Doyoung."

He folds his arms stubbornly. "Why not?"

"You are my actual child. I birthed you. From the womb," I tell him, a roundabout and questionable way of saying he's way younger than me and it's weird.

He rolls his eyes. "You don't even have a womb. Now get back over here and be sexy with me."

I sigh. I guess it's not that weird. It's not like he's asking me to make out with him. If he could stop using the word 'sexy' that would be great, though. I reluctantly drag my feet back over to him. He smirks triumphantly.

"As I was saying, I'm going to jump up on you, okay? I'll wrap my arms around your neck and legs around your waist, and I want you to put one hand on my back and one hand on my butt. You following so far?" He makes intense eye contact with me, and I nod. "Good, I don't want you dropping me. So then I'm going to lean back, arching my back, like really dramatically with my arms out like my hands grazing the floor— this will work better with Mashiho because he's shorter— and while I do that I want you to slowly spin around in a circle. Sound good?"

Oh my God, I'd forgotten about Mashiho for a second. I'm going to be doing this 'extremely sexy inclusion' with him... My mouth is dry despite the water I just consumed. Suddenly just practising with Doyoung doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore, because now I'm just thinking of how much bigger of a deal it's going to be with Mashiho.

I tell myself to be calm and normal, then tell Doyoung I've got it and repeat the plan back to him perfectly so that he's satisfied. He plays the music from about ten seconds prior, we do the part leading up to it, and then he jumps on me. I put my hands where he asked, holding him up, and then supporting him as he gracefully leans back and I twirl him around. When he comes back up, there's still just a moment before the singing starts again in the song, and in this moment he puts his face close to mine, so close that I can feel his breath, and he grazes his fingers across the back of my head before jumping down with a massive smile on his face.

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