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"It's your line, Mashi." Junkyu moves his laptop in my direction, cuddling up closer to me under the covers.

Since Junkyu's leg healed completely, I've gone back to sleeping in his bed every night. He kept telling me it would be fine and that I already fell asleep next to him once when he had his cast on, but I was just so scared of causing him any pain. So now here we lie, snuggled up next to each other and reading fanfiction. Although showing everyone Curse for the first time today was magical, this still has to be my favourite part of the day.

I read the line he's pointing to. "'It's just... I feel a certain way about you... that I've never felt about anyone else'."

"'Mashiho said, his heart beating forcefully in his chest. This was really happening. 'What do you mean?' Junkyu asked, staring at Mashiho intently'," Junkyu continues to read. "'Just be honest with me, Mashi. What are you trying to say?'" Then Junkyu nudges me in the shoulder excitedly. "He's gonna say it! Fanfiction Mashiho is gonna say it!"

I giggle and lightly brush my fingers against the trackpad, scrolling down so I can read Fanfiction Mashiho's next line. "'I'm trying to say... that... that I love you, Kim Junkyu'." Then I read the next line and gasp. "Oh my God!"

"Shh, let me read it out!" Junkyu puts a hand over my mouth, but he looks just as shocked by the new development. "'Mashiho braced himself for Junkyu to laugh in his face, or to throw up, or to say he hates him or anything of the sort. But Junkyu didn't do any of those things. Instead he stepped towards Mashiho- one step, two steps- and kissed him. And everything in Mashiho came alive at once as he breathed him in, tasted him, he felt...'"

As Junkyu continues to read out the description of all the emotions Fanfiction Mashiho felt as he kissed Fanfiction Junkyu, his words begin to get quieter and quieter, fading into the background, until all I can hear is the beating of my own heart and the quickening of my breath. I don't remember looking away, but I'm not looking at the fanfiction anymore. I'm looking at Junkyu. I'm looking at his pouty lips as he reads the words, and his wide, pretty, rich brown eyes with the light of the screen reflected in them. His hair is still damp from the shower he had earlier, and his skin is porcelain smooth from the face mask he put on after it. And I become aware of how close I am to him right now. My legs are intertwined with his so I can barely tell where I end and he begins, and the whole right side of my body is pressed up against the left side of his. Heart beats, breath quickens, faster and faster. Inside I feel a spark of red. Blue. Orange. Purple. Pink. Green. Every colour to ever exist explodes inside me like fireworks as I feel that yearning again that I felt when he was playing piano for me except... this time... I know what I'm yearning for. I'm yearning to be closer, I'm yearning to feel him more, I'm yearning for him to turn his eyes away from screen and look at me. I'm yearning for... him.

"'...it could have been a minute or it could have been an hour'," Junkyu's voice has become much softer now, barely whispering the words. "'Mashiho had no concept of the time that Junkyu's lips were pressed against his, all he knew was that no time in the world would have been enough. The moment they broke apart, he went straight back for more.'"

It must be the end of the chapter, because Junkyu closes the laptop, puts it aside and looks straight at me. There's this look in his eyes that lets me know everything I'm feeling, the fireworks, the yearning, the closeness... he's feeling it too. We lie there in deafening silence for an excruciating few moments, our breathing and heartbeats intermingling with each other in a melodic suspense, both of our bodies alive with electricity that pulses through the air around us, threatening to shock us both.

I'm the one who does it. I'm the one who, with an empty mind but at the same time feeling every feeling at once, leans in, closing that teasingly small distance between us.

Our lips have barely brushed against each other when the door swings open and we both spring apart so rapidly that I bang my head hard against the wall and Junkyu falls off the bed.

"Junkyu, I wanted to ask y—"

I whip my head around to the source of the voice to see Junghwan standing in the doorway, eyes wide and mouth dropped open. He saw.

Still feeling everything and thinking nothing, I scramble out of bed and dash past Junghwan, out of the room. Away. Away from the bed. Away from the fanfiction. Away from Junkyu. Away from what I felt and what I did. Away from what almost was.

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