I cant live with out you

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Rhydian's pov:

I miss maddy soo much. I feel empty with out her. I mean it's been 3 whole months since I last seen her. I can barely focus in school and I'm always thinking about maddy.

(Day dream)
I'm waking in the woods, when suddenly I smell a wolf blood. "who's there" I say growling. Nobody answers. I hear giggling. I go to see what it is. It's maddy! But who was she giggling with? I'm about to call her name, but then some guy comes over to her and kisses her. They r both laughing and kissing. I'm crying now. I hear maddy calling my name. " Rhydian!!" "Rhydian!!"
(End of day dream) (back in class)
"Rhydian!!" Says Mr. Jeffries. " What?" I say. " What's the answer? " He says like he's been waiting forever. "Umm.... I don't know sir". I say trying to look as confused as I can. " Ok, then I'll see you after school for detention" he says as he sits back down. "Are you ok mate?" Says tom. " Yeah I'm fine just miss mads, that's all." " so do we, but there's nothing we can do about it, and I wish we could but we can't." said Shan

The bell rang and it's time to go to lunch now. I'm not really hungry, then again I haven't been ever since mads left. So I just run to the woods instead.

Maddy's pov:
I miss rhydian soo much. I hate the wild, but Janna and bryn have tried to help me as much as they can. I hope rhydians ok. I love him. I don't know how I can live with out him. It's killing me to be apart from him.

( day dream)
I'm racing in the woods with Janna and bryn. I'm in the front then Janna then bryn. When suddenly I hear something. I turn and see rhydian with another girl , an not only that. They are laughing together. Maybe they r just cousins. But then I see them kiss and rhydian says "I love you" she says "I love you to" I hear her ask him something. " So I've been hearing things from the three k's and from jimmi. They said something about you and some maddy girl." " Yea she was Just some girl don't worry, I didn't really love her , I just told her to, I felt bad for her. She was lonely." He says to her then they kiss. I start crying. I guess he heard me cuz he got up and called after me. "Maddy!" " Maddy!"
( end of day dream).
"Maddy!" "Maddy!" I turn around, and Bryan's there calling my name. " Yeah". " What's wrong? Your crying." he says. " Nothing , I just miss rhydian". "Ok, I just came to tell you that Janna was looking for you." " thanks bryn. tell her I'm coming". 2 minutes later Janna comes running to me. " Are you ok? Bryn told me you were coming, but that it might take a while since you were crying ." she says. " Yea. I'm fine I was just day dreaming about rhydian. But it was bad." I said wiping away my tears. " Why was it bad? What happened? She asks " He was with another girl kissing her and laughing, and he told her that I was just some girl he felt bad for, and that he never loved me." I said not realizing that I was crying again. "Aww, maddy you know he loves you. He'd never do that to you." I nod and just tell her I know and I miss him. later we just go for a run and play with Bryn. Later we all go to bed. I cry my self to sleep. I miss him so much, why did I have to leave? Stupid white wood!

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