Never leave me again

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We walked back to the pack hand in hand. Janna,bryn, mum and Maddys parents came running over to us. " Are you ok maddy?"asked Janna" I'm fine" she said. "Rhydian, if you do that again I'll hurt you" Janna said. " Rhydian. I heard what you did. Why would you do that?"asked bryn. "Guys, stop. Everything is fine now, and bryn I didn't mean to do what I did, I wasnt trying to hurt her feelings." "so it's your fault maddy didn't come back yesterday?" Asked mrs smith. Maddys eyes turned yellow. " Mum just leave it alone, it's none of your business." she said to her mom. " Madeline smith, don't talk to your mother like that" mr. Smith said. Maddy got madder and madder. She squeezed my hand harder

My mum and dad were driving me nuts. Rhydian said something to me in thought. "Maddy as much as I love you your squeezing my hand really tight." "Sorry"I thought to him " Mads?" He thought. "Yeah" "I know your parents don't like us together, but can you promise me something?" He thought "Anything" " promise me that you'll never leave me again." " I promise".

(Out of thought)
I was still looking at rhydian. "Maddy! Are you listening to me?" Asked my mum "Yeah." I said "Then what did I say?" She asked me. " I-i uh I don't know" I said. rhydian is so handsome "That's it maddy, your not dating rhydian anymore. " " What?" I asked. "I'm serious maddy, you are not dating him anymore". A tear went down my face. Then everything went black.

Maddy fell over. I was screaming her name when suddenly it went black. I tried my hardest to wake up so I can see if Maddy was ok, but it didn't work. I felt a deep pain in my heart. What's happening? Why did we both faint? I hear mum talking to mr.smith. " They are both in comas" she said. " Why?" He asked. " Because she said that they couldn't be together anymore." she said. Then I hear mrs. Smith " That makes no sense. How can someone go in a coma because they can't be together anymore.? Mrs.smith asked. "Because, remember her stress dream about him. He had it to, and when she blacked out when she tried to talk to him for the first time. well it's because something or someone didn't want them together."said mum "are you blaming this on me? That never happened to me and Daniel when our parents didn't want us together." "That's because maddy and rhydian are the chosen ones. There meant to be together, the only way they can wake up from this is if they truly love each other.

After she said that I took all my love for rhydian and tried my best to wake up then finally I did. My eyes were yellow I sat up screaming something " "NO. I love him! Stop. Rhydian! I'm sorry! Never leave me again!"

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