Explaining it to madddy

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Maddy finally stopes crying. She looked at me weird and said " what just happened?" " What do you mean what just happened? We got in a fight." I said " we did? I don't remember. I'm sorry for whatever reason we were fighting for." She said. "Maddy, do you really not remember?" I asked. " I really don't remember" she said. " Why is my head bleeding and I can't stand up? Why?" She said freaking out. "Maddy I'm so sorry, I couldn't control it." I said. " You did this to me? But-but I thought you l-l loved me" she said looking hurt. " Maddy I do love you. You were the one who, I'm not going to finish that because then well actually start fighting again" I said. " I was the one who what?" She said. " Nothing, just forget I said anything." I said. "RHYDIAN MORRIS! Tell me what I did, tell me everything from the day. I don't remember any of it. The last thing I remember is meeting someone named jake and introducing him to everyone, then going to sleep" she said. " You really don't remember?" I asked. Why doesn't she remember. " Rhydian I don't remember, I just want to know. I love you. I'm sorry." she said. "Ok, well I woke up and you were gone. I followed your sent, I herd you giggling with jake then you guys kissed. I ran off you chased me. You lost me. I came out of no where and pinned you down, I started telling at you. You yelled at me. We attacked each other. But your the only one who doesn't remember. That's because you didn't read the book" I said. " Wait, wait, your telling me that I kissed jake? Eww. He's my friend but I'd never kiss him. Can you tell me what exactly we said to each other." She said." Maddy before I tell you anything I didn't mean what I said. We couldn't control the fighting." I said. "Show me the book after" I nodded. "Well it started like this, after I pinned you down you told me to get off of you, I yelled NO!YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME! Then you said I DO LOVE YOU!people told us to stop fighting because we love each other. I said. I LOVE HER!SHE DOESNT LOVE ME! You said. I DO LOVE YOU RHYDIAN. I Said . MADDY! DID YOU LIKE HIM!? You cried I'm sorry , I did he fooled me. In so sorry!you couldn't stop crying That's it. "Rhydian I'm so sorry" she said.

Why can't I remember this. " Madds you have nothing to be sorry for. We weren't in control. And I should be sorry I broke your leg and your arms bleeding" he said. " But I hurt your head. And the words still came out of my mouth. I'm sorry. , Can you show me the book now." I said. He showed it to me. I can't believe this. I mean I knew we were the chosen ones but I didn't know this could happen. I then read the part about me having a twin brother. " Mads you ok?" Rhydian asked me. my eyes turned yellow. " She knew about us the whole time. She took my brother who I didn't know I had, my twin. She probably did a bunch of experiments on him. What if he's dead. What If I never find him. This is my new life. I'm going to be cheating on you and I won't be able to control it and I'm going to get in to fights with you. And why all this is happening I have a twin brother dying in a whole, I can't do anything about it ." I said crying. "Madds. Your right YOUR not going to find him. WE will find him. And yes we will get into fights but the only thing that can stop it is that bitch dying or our love. It has to be strong enough. And It says hear that you can talk to your brother thru your mind to, maybe we can have a 3 way" he said trying to make me laugh. It worked a little. " Ok" I said. A girl walked over and want up to rhydian. " Hey your cute I'm sapphire. " She said. I started growling.
" GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled. Rhydian smiled at me. " GET WAY FROM THIS OLACE GET AWAY FROM MY LIFE, JUST GET AWAY. IVE HAD ENOUGH. I LOVE RHYDIAN! Get away from him or I will rip you into a million tiny pieces!" Didi just say that. I guess I did. " Sorry I didn't know. Can I at least stay here I have nowhere to go. I won't like him. I read the stories I didn't know it was you." She said. " Ok. Fine you can stay but if I see you talking to him and I'm not there I will hurt you. Or if you even look at him without telling me!" I said. "Got it?!" I said. " Got it!" She said and walked out. " Told you you can do it" rhydian said then kissed my cheek

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